How to copy attributes of one print queue to another?

        AIX 3.2.5

        We want to create a new print queue with virtual printer
        attributes identical to those of an existing queue.  How can
        we copy the the virtual printer attributes from one queue to
        another ?

        1) Create the new virtual printer queue (mkvirprt)
        2) cd /var/spool/lpd/pio/custom
        3) cp oldq:olddevice newq:newdevice
        4) vi newq:newdevice
           Change references to the old queue name to the new queue
           name.  Usually mv, mn, mq attributes.
        5) chvirprt -q qname -d device

        Sent a test print job and formatting was exactly as desired.

Support Line: How to copy attributes of one print queue to another? ITEM: DV3703L
Dated: October 1997 Category: N/A
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