PSM: Unable to specify duplex....0423-370

PROBLEM: Unable to specify duplex.

        PSF v2.1 U450985
        PSM v1.2 U457700

        IBM3130 TCP/IP attached
        AIX queue name = indy4-pcl
        PSFprinter name = indy4psf

        PSM Queue = indy4psmq
        PSM Logical printer = indy4-pmld
        PSM Physical Printer name = indy4psm

ACTION TAKEN:   The PSFprinter "indy4psf" is an AIX-defined printer.
        Customer stated that he can submit a job to the PSFprinter
        specifying "-oduplex=yes" and that it will print duplex.
        However, when he submitts the job to his PSM Logical Printer
        with "printer-pass-through='-odu=y'" that he then receives
        the following errors:

0420-094 The following messages were generated for file ________ with 
Job ID ________. This file printed on the PSF printer ________, which 
is a ________ printer.

EXPLANATION: This informational message identifies the file name
entered with the print request, the job ID assigned by the qdaemon,
and the printer name and printer type obtained from the PSF
printer profile for the printer.
SYSTEM_ACTION: PSF produces this message only if there are
notable exceptions to be reported for the print job.  See the system
actions for other error messages in this message group.
USER_RESPONSE: This is an informational message; no response is required.
0423-370 PSF will not print the print job in simplex mode because duplexing was specified on the enqueue command.
EXPLANATION: Duplexing was specified on the enqueue command, but the
printer can not duplex.  Normally, PSF  would print in simplex
mode while simulating duplexing by performing "functional duplexing".
However, PSF  will not perform "functional duplexing" when
duplexing is specified on the enqueue command.
SYSTEM_ACTION: PSF stops processing the file at the point of the
error.  If there are other files in this print job, PSF resumes
processing starting with the next file in the job; otherwise, PSF
cancels the job.
USER_RESPONSE: If simplex printing is acceptable, then submit the job for
printing again, but do not specify duplexing on the enqueue command.
If simplex printing is not acceptable, choose a printer that can

0420-098 The error occurred while printing page ________ of copy _______
_ of this print job.
EXPLANATION: This message identifies the copy set number and the page
on which an error described in an accompanying message occurred.
SYSTEM_ACTION: See the system actions for other error messages in this
message group.
USER_RESPONSE: This is an informational message; no response is required
0420-098 The error occurred while printing page ________ of copy ________ of this print job.
EXPLANATION: This message identifies the copy set number and the page
on which an error described in an accompanying message occurred.
SYSTEM_ACTION: See the system actions for other error messages in this
message group.

     For PCl and IPDS printers there are two "Options" that need to be
      set: Bin Mapping Options and Processing Options.

1.) smitty psfcfg
   Bin Mapping Options
       -select the PCL printer
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                             x
  x                                                                          x
  x   0   Upper                                                              x
  x   1   Lower                                                              x
  x   2   Manual                                                             x
  x   3   Envelope                                                           x
  x   4   Alternate  

        -select the bin

  DUPLEX available?                                   no                      +
           -change this to "yes"

2.) smitty psfcfg
     Processing Options
        -select the PCL printer
DUPLEX type                                        
      -F4 for a list
                                                                        x /
  x Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.                        x+
  x                                                                     x+\#
  x   simplex                                                           x
  x   duplex                                                            x
  x   tumble

        We verified that the PSFprinter's Bin mapping and Processing
        options were set correctly.

        We created a test-pp using the pdgenatt command as follows:
                pdgenatt indy4-pcl indy4psmq >tmp/test.out
                pdcreate -c printer -X /tmp/test.out indy4suv:test-pp

                pdpr -p indy4-pmld -x"printer-pass-through='-odu=y'" file
                        -same results ...0423-370

        Found the answere in the PSM Commands Reference under the 
        Physical Printer section, attribute psf-tray-characteristics.

\# pdls -c printer -r psf-tray-characteristics 3130-pp
3130-pp: psf-tray-characteristics                  = 
\# pdls -c printer -r all 3130-pp |grep media-supported                
3130-pp: media-supported                           = 

\# pddisable 3130-pp
\# pdset -c printer -x"media-supported=na-letter-white" 3130-pp
\# pdset -c printer -x "psf-tray-characteristics=top:na-letter-white:1:1:true" 3130-pp
        -This can also be performed from the PSM GUI by placing the
        mouse pointer on the Physical Printer and pressing the right
        mouse button, select "Properties", select "PSF Configuration"
        and ADD the "PSF Tray Characteristics":
                        Input tray      1
                        Medium Ready    na-white-letter
                        Bin Number
                        Tray Number     1

                        Duplex available        Yes

        The default for PSF AIX-attached printers is NO for settable

ACTION PLAN: Customer modified this setting and the problem has been 

Support Line: PSM: Unable to specify duplex....0423-370 ITEM: DO6452L
Dated: September 1997 Category: N/A
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