How to create a physical printer and dedicated to a logical printer.
Model F30, AIX 4.1.5, PSM 1.2.1
The customer has just added a new 3900 printer (a second one) and
would like to know how to add the printer as a physical printer,
and have it dedicated to a logical printer.
Spooler cdt-spl
Supervisor cdt-suv
Queue cdt-q
Physical Prt 3900-PP
Logical Prt ORRN
The QUEUE "cdt-q" has eight(8) Logical Printer's.
How can he setup a Logical printer so that submitted jobs
are routed to a specific Physical Printer?
Answer: Use an IVJ (Initial Value Job) object.
We proceed to follow the instructions that I've herein outlined:
1) Create a new logical printer using an existing template:drag-n-drop
the "Open Printers Window Action" icon onto the QUEUE "cdt-q",
using your right mouse button, click on the Logical printer object
and "Save As Template".
Template Name.... ornn-tp
This will add a new template to your "Logical Printer Templates"
Drag-n-drop the new template "ornn-tp" into the Logical Printer
"Work Area":
Logical Printer's Name .... orrn-lp
This action created a new LP using the template.
2) Create an IVJ(Initial-value-job):
pdcreate -c initial-value-job -m "created on 08/12/97" -x
"descriptor='IVJ for orrn-lp' physical-printers-requested=3900-P2"
This can also be accomplished from within the PSMGUI, drag-n-drop
the "Open Windows Action" icon onto the SPL server and then
double clicking on the "System_IV_JOB" icon.
pdset -c initial-value-job -s "physical-printers-requested=3900-P2"
3) Associate the IVJ object with a logical printer:
pdset -c printer -x "printer-initial-value-job=orrn-lp_IVJ" orrn-lp
This can also be accomplished from within the PSMGUI, drag-n-drop
the "Open Windows Action" icon onto the SPL, double clicking
on the "Initial Value Jobs" icon, drag-n-drop the IVJ object
onto the logical printer. No, you do not need to disable the
printer in order to accomplish this task.
4) Submitted a print test
pdpr -p orrn-lp /etc/motd
-it printed on the expected PhyPrt.
5) If you would like to associate the physical printer with a different
queue you can do:
pddisable 3900-P2
pdset -c printer -x "associated-queue=new_queue_name" cdt-spl:3900-P2
pdenable 3900-P2
Once these object are created, you cannot change their names. These are
non-settable attributes. You must remove and re-add the objects with
the desired name.
Support Line: How to create a physical printer and dedicated to a logical printer. ITEM: DJ4706L
Dated: August 1997 Category: N/A
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