Library: Problem with anomalies report from HACMP cookbook.


 ENV:  HACMP4.2, AIX4.2

 PROBLEM:  He is trying to run the anomalies report from the hacmp
cookbook and it is not creating the amonalies file.

*ACTION TAKEN: I ran the scripts on the machines here in the lab and
found that the script should be run on one of the machines in the
cluster creating files in /tmp called HACMPmachine-machinename-adap,
etc 5 total files.  These file then need to be copied to the next node
in the cluster and the program run again on that machine will create
the same files and then an extra file called HACMPmachine-anomalies.
This output should show the differences and/or conflicts between the 2
machines.  This was written for AIX3.2.5 system were the command 
/usr/bin/li was a standard command.  On later versions of aix you must
install the bos.compat.cmds fileset for this command to be loaded.  You
can also just modify the inventory script to use the ls command.

Support Line: Library: Problem with anomalies report from HACMP cookbook. ITEM: DC6002L
Dated: June 1997 Category: N/A
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