Why is a nearly empty file system 26% full?


Env:  4.2.0

Desc:  The customer's nearly empty file system is 26% full (there
are 3 empty directories in that file system).

Action taken:  "lsfs -q" shows that the nbpi (Number of Bytes per Inode) is 512.

"nbpi" is used to determine the amount of the filesystem you are reserving for inodes.
In this case, an inode is allocated for every 512 bytes of storage in the filesystem.

An inode in a jfs filesystem is composed of 128 bytes. You can use these values to
determine the percentange of space used for inodes in an empty filesystem.

 % used = 128/512 = roughly 25%.

This explains why the percent used in this filesystem would be 26% with no real
storage being used at the time.

Action plan:  Close with customer agreement.

Support Line: Why is a nearly empty file system 26% full? ITEM: DA7654L
Dated: May 1997 Category: N/A
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