ITEM: D6932L

3.1.7 system getting odm errors from lsps command


Errors are :
   0516-306 getlvodm: Unable to find logical volume paging00 in device
config database
   0517-041 lsps: cannot list paging space paging00


/etc/swapspaces show only hd6, hd61 and hd62.  
"lsvg -l rootvg" shows nothing out of the ordinary.
"odmget -q name=paging00 CuAt" shows attributes defined for paging00
"odmget -q name=paging00 CuDv" shows paging00 is not defined.

Made backup copy of "CuAt" file in /etc/objrepos direcrory, then ran
following command to remove paging00 attributes:

"odmdelete -o CuAt -q name=paging00"

After doing this, no errors showed up with lsps command.

Support Line: 3.1.7 system getting odm errors from lsps command ITEM: D6932L
Dated: September 1993 Category: N/A
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