ITEM: D3981L

Question on xlC.


Question about xlC. One class has two functions and same names but
differ in the arguments that they take. The argument of one function
is a pointer to an instance of class A. For the second function, the arg
is a pointer to a function also in class A. Other compilers have
ways of sending the proper pointer to the proper funtion. How does xlC
handle this? 


There is a class, we'll call it class A, that has two functions
with the same name and different arguments (overloaded functions).  One
instance accepts a pointer to class B, and the second accepts a pointer to 
class C.  He also has class B, class C, and class D defined.  Class C is 
derived from class B and class D is derived from class C.  He wants to know
how the compiler will resolve a call to the class A member function if he
passes a pointer to class D.  

Since D is derived from C and there is not an instance of the overloaded 
class A member function that accepts a pointer to class D, the overloaded
class A member function that accepts a pointer to class C will be called
(C is the base class for class D, so it implicitly calls the correct function).

Following is a code sample that demonstrates this:

\#include \

class A;
class B;
class C;
class D;

class B
        int func()
                cout \<\< "func in B called" \<\< endl;
                return( 1 );

class C: public B
        int func()
                cout \<\< "func in C called" \<\< endl;
                return( 4 );

class D: public C
        int func()
                cout \<\< "func in D called" \<\< endl;
                return( 5 );

class A
        int overloaded_func( class B *bptr )
                cout \<\< "func1 for class B called" \<\< endl;
                return( 2 );

        int overloaded_func( class C *cptr )
                cout \<\< "func1 for class C called" \<\< endl;
                return( 3 );

{        class A atype;
        class B btype;
        class C ctype;
        class D dtype;


Support Line: Question on xlC. ITEM: D3981L
Dated: October 1993 Category: N/A
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