AIX 4.1.5: ATM LANE IP/Netmask gone after reinstall
EYWORDS: lane, lan emulation, atm le, ip address, netmask,
interface, sysback restore 155 ATM Streaming Adapter.
ENV: AIX v4.1.5 and ATM adapter with LAN Emulation
PROBLEM: Customer has an 155 ATM Streaming Adapter that is not
being configured during a reboot after installing his
System. The boot process is trying to run the command:
"mkdev -c adapter -s atm -t lec_ent".
The above command causes the error : method error
(/usr/lib/methods/cfgatmle): 0514-017 The following
attributes are not valid for the specified device.
*ACTION PLAN: Install the following PTF:
The Ptf U455172 is for ATM attributes not being restored.
PROBLEM: After installing the above PTF, my atm parameters for
IP address and netmask are not being restored.
*ACTION PLAN: Install the following PTF:
The Ptf U456405 is for RDA problems restoring device
Support Line: AIX 4.1.5: ATM LANE IP/Netmask gone after reinstall ITEM: CS8200L
Dated: August 1998 Category: N/A
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