LXPERF:percent used on paging space keeps going up.


m: r30
percent used on paging space keeps going up, help.


   Env: AIX 4.1 R30 SMP

   Desc: Customer suspects a memory leak.

   Action: I showed him the output of 'ps aux' and explained that he
        needs to look at the RSS and SZ columns.  These represent 
        in kilobytes the amount of RAM and Paging Space respectivly
        that a particular process is using.  He can also use the
        ps_ command which is installed with bos.perf.pmr in /usr/sbin/perf/pmr
        to see delta's in those columns over a period of time.
                A more usefull tool is svmon which ships with PerfAide.

   Next Action: Questions answered...closing call.

Support Line: LXPERF:percent used on paging space keeps going up. ITEM: CL3249L
Dated: February 1997 Category: N/A
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