Console on 43P displays the wrong size after restoring a mksysb.


Why is everything the wrong size on my console after restoring a mksysb 
on my 43P?


This happens because the monitor type gets reset to the default display type
on the E15 integrated graphics adapter  after the install.  The resolution and 
refresh rate will usually be wrong also because of this,  causing  everything 
to be displayed larger or smaller than usual. This will need to be changed in Smit.
      Graphic Displays
         Select Display Type
         Graphics Adapter
          Select iga0
             Select the Display Type
                (list the choices and select the correct monitor model)    
          Select the Display Resolution and Refresh Rate       
          Graphics Adapter   
           Select iga0
               (list the choices and select the appropriate resolution and refresh rate)

You must restart the xserver for this to take effect by logging out and back into 
CDE and XDM or by quiting AIXwindows and restarting it.

Support Line: Console on 43P displays the wrong size after restoring a mksysb. ITEM: CH5627L
Dated: December 1996 Category: N/A
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