Need DLOGMOD for LU0


os v4.2 model 7013-J30
Support configuration of IBM Communication Server for AIX


Environment: Model J30, AIX 4.2.0, Comm Server 4.0, TokenRing

Description: Installing Comm Server on a J30. VTAM people need to know
what IDBLK is used with a RS6000 and what DLOGMOD they should use with

Action: Told Russ that the IDBLK normally used with the RS6000 is 071.
Checked thru the sample MODETAB to see if there might be a MODENT for
LU0, but couldn't find one.  I told Russ this is a question best asked
of the mainframe VTAM support people.  Russ asked if there was
anything else that he needed from the host VTAMers to configure his
Comm Server.  I told him he would need the IDBLK/IDNUM, the TIC and
the mainframe LU0 application name as well as the LOCADDR for his
Primary LU0s.

Next: CWCA.


Because the LU0 API is very low level, the Mode Entry in VTAM
is mostly application dependent.  That is, values should be 
chosen that are acceptable for the application.  For example,
the Mode specifies the RU size.  LU0 on AIX supports any size
from 256 to 3840, but the key is that the application (user 
written or third-party provided) with receive data based on
this RU size (whereas with LU1,2,3,6.2, SNA will provides
a higher-level interface to let the application know how much
data to read).  

The following is a sample of a Mode Entry that could be used
for an AIX LU0 (with AIX as the secondary LU).


The Mode Name itself (RISCLU0) does not matter, but there are
several parameters that do:
 RUSIZES - the first byte is the Maximum RU Size allowed from the
       secondary LU (the program on the RS/6000); the second byte
       is the Maximum RU Size allowed from the primary LU (Host 
       application).  The format for this number is a*(2**b);
       so for this example, 8*(2**5)=256 for both the primary
       and secondary LUs.
 PSERVIC - the first byte designates the LU type so the first
        byte needs to be '00'
 FMPROF and TSPROF - Function Management Profile and Transmission
        Services Profile, these both need to be '03' or '04'. They
        determine which SNA (protocol level) commands will be supported,
        Basically 04 supports more commands, so if your host application
        requires these commands, you will need to use 04.  However,
        most LU0 application can get by with 03, so I recommend 03.
 PRIPROT, SECPROT - Primary and Secondary Protocols describe whether
        chaining and response types are allowed.  I recommend using
        B0 which indicates chaining and either definite or exception
        responses are allowed.
 COMPROT - Common Protocol (for both Primary and Secondary LUs) 
        specifies rules for segmentation, FMHeaders and Brackets.
        Use 0000 to get no segmentation and FM Headers.

On your LU definition, you will need to ensure the mode
table specified contains the Mode Table which contains the
Mode Entry for LU.  Note, the Mode table could be specified
on the PU instead.   The following is an example of an
LU0 we have tested with:


The USSTAB of ISTINCDT saves your application from having to
process the MSG10 screen from VTAM.

Support Line: Need DLOGMOD for LU0 ITEM: CG9917L
Dated: March 1997 Category: N/A
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