Setting up MultiTek modems for multiple baud rate dial-ins
AIX 3.2.5
Unknown model
MultiTek MultiModem II
We are trying to allow users to dial in at multiple baud
rates. How can we setup a tty for multiple rates?
You COULD go into SMIT and set a tty's baud rate to:
baudrate1,baudrate2,etc. eg [19200,9600,2400,1200]
and a BREAK signal would cause getty to cycle between
these settings. This; however isn't recommended.
The better solution is to set the tty at one speed, the
highest speed you plan on using. Configure the modem to
talk to the port at this one signle speed, and let the two
modems negotiate the speed of their communications between
Most modems accomplish this via talking to the port at the
speed it last received an AT command from the host. Ie,
send "AT" to the modem at 19200 and the modem will talk to
the port at 19200 until an "AT" command is sent at a
different speed. Your particular modem; however, does not
operate this way. The MultiTek has a specific register to
store the serial port baud rate, the $SB register. For
example, AT$SB9600 tells the modem that the serial port
baud rate is 9600.
Support Line: Setting up MultiTek modems for multiple baud rate dial-ins ITEM: CB2553L
Dated: July 1996 Category: N/A
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