Getting a failure during sysback

  AIX 4.1.4
  RISC J30

  Customer is doing a full system backup using sysback and 
  the backup is failing.  The customer gets several files
  that state they are missing.  This has recently been a problem
  with sysback.  Someone in development has changed the return codes
  of the backbyname commands.  I have opened up a PMR against this.
  Xmenu item BK0316 which is linked to PMR 5x988,999 

 "It appears the return codes from the backbyname command
  have changed somewhere at 4.1.4  Between AIX 3.2 - 4.1.2
  if a file could not be backed up with the backbyname command
  because it is no longer exist on the system it would return
  a return code of 32 (non fatal error)  If there was a return
  code of 1 it was treated as a fatal error at that level of
  AIX.    Now at AIX 4.1.4 on the same case from above it
  returns a return code of 1 (non fatal) and return codes
  greater than 1 is treated as a fatal error."

Sysback check these return codes at sysback 3.3.3. incorrectly
at AIX 4.1

WORK AROUND:  (until you can get the fix in sysback
cd /usr/sbin
cp mkvgback
vi mkvgback


   [ $rc -eq 0 ] && rc=$(cat /tmp/$$sberrnum)
   [ $rc -eq 32 ] && rc=0
   if test $rc -ne 0
      then cat /tmp/$$sberr 2>/dev/null
          msg 41 '\\007\\nBackup of %s volume group failed!\\n' $VG >&2
          cancel $rc


\#   rc=$?
\#   [ $rc -eq 0 ] && rc=$(cat /tmp/$$sberrnum)
\#   [ $rc -eq 32 ] && rc=0
\#   if test $rc -ne 0
\#      then cat /tmp/$$sberr 2>/dev/null
\#          msg 41 '\\007\\nBackup of %s volume group failed!\\n' $VG >&2
\#          cancel $rc
\#   fi


So from talking with the level 3 of the archive tools stated this.

At AIX 4.1 the return codes are this for all the archive commands:

0 -- successful
1 -- warning   (usually means missing files)
2 -- fatal error

At AIX 3.2 they are still the same

0 -- successful
32 - warning
anything else -- fatal


The problem has been resolved in sysback

AIX Version 4 backups indicated failure return code if
file in the file list is deleted before the backup
completes. Problem occurs only on AIX V4 systems since
non-fatal return codes of backup command were changed.

Next Action:
  Sending the code to the customer

Support Line: Getting a failure during sysback ITEM: CA5365L
Dated: June 1996 Category: N/A
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