restoring ISA 128 port adapter after mksysb restore

e20; 414
disk failed.  replaced disk.  
restored mksysb.  system up in normal.  128 port adapter 
and ttys are not showing up.
On an e20, we have a PCI bus.
q: is the 128 port adapter pci or isa?  ISA
because ISA devices are not detectable, we must do 
the following after the system is up in normal:

1. create the adapter manually
2. run 
        \# /tmp/reconfig1
        \# /tmp/reconfig2
        \# /tmp/reconfig3
.the ttys should be all be back now
this is now corrected with defect 208397.
IPP                   170935 U447398   
Create 4.1 IPPs
devices.isa.c1x.diag  208397 U447090   
  file src/rspc/objclass/adapter.isa.cix.add has 'detectable = 1'
devices.isa.c1x.rte   208397 U447069   
  file src/rspc/objclass/adapter.isa.cix.add has 'detectable = 1'
.The fix will setup the ISA 128port adapter in the ODM as 
'detectable = 0' so the cfgmgr will not try to detect it.  
Since it does not attempt to detect the device, it keeps 
the original configuration about the adapter, and allows 
the rda in the reconfig scripts to properly bring up 
the ttys correctly.
The IBM-4-FAX \#2545, "Restoring 128 Port Adapter Configuration 
After mksysb", is for MCI and PCI adapters only.  Do NOT use 
with an ISA adapter.
customer will use workaround for now.  CWCA

Support Line: restoring ISA 128 port adapter after mksysb restore ITEM: BV4696L
Dated: March 1997 Category: N/A
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