Having trouble configuring an S370 card & 3490 tape unit

  AIX 4.2
  RISC 390
  Tape 3490 channel attached
  Channel Attachment:  S370

  Bought a used 3490 tape drive and can't install it.
  Needs help setting up the tape drive


          define a control unit
             S370 Parallel Channel Emulator (Enter)
             f3 back to devices
                   add a tape drive
                        drive 3490 - 3490 tape drive
                                add a 3490 tape drive (fill in entries
                                        assign/unassign yes will auto
                                        assign at device configuration
                                        press enter)
        f3 back to Tape drive menu
                        Configure a defined tape drive
                                rmt0 defined (enter)
        Command: failed
                Method error (etc/methods/cfgmt):
                        0514-040 Error initializing a device into kernel.

If the device is not correctly attached or it is not responding, the
configuration fails and an error message (above) is displayed.

ACTION PLAN: Customer will contact CE for repairs.
He will call back after CE's visit.

ACTION TAKEN: Called customer. The CE reinstalled the S370 card the
correct way. Then customer had to set autoload to yes and it works.

Closing with Customer Approval

Support Line: Having trouble configuring an S370 card & 3490 tape unit ITEM: BV2823L
Dated: March 1997 Category: N/A
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