Failure on the rootvg backup on a fullsystem backup

  AIX 3.2.5
  RISC 530H

  Customer's sysback is either failing during the rootvg backup or
  on the user vg backup of the script with a non-zero return code.
  (return code 32)  This problem is similar to the 0512-005 problem
  with the mksysb.  The sysback at version 2 will build a find
  string | backup -i  The find string buffers up thousands of the files
  If one of the files is missing the backup will return with a code of
  32. (non fatal)

 The following modifications will need to be made to
 /usr/sbin/sysback script:

1.  cd /usr/sbin 
2.  cp sysback
3.  vi sysback

ONLY ADD Lines where it states  \#ADD This line
ONLY CHANGE Lines where it states  \#CHANGE This line

msg 19 '\\n\\nBacking up Root Volume Group .. '
sleep 3
if [ -z "$hostname" ]
        then /usr/sbin/mkvgback -${PACK}nf $device rootvg
        else /usr/sbin/mkvgback -${PACK}nf $device -h $hostname rootvg

rc=$?                 \#ADD This line

if test $rc -eq 32    \#ADD This line
        then rc=0     \#ADD This line
fi                    \#ADD This line

if test $rc -ne 0      \#CHANGE This line
        then msg 20 '\\tError in creating rootvg backup\\007'
             cancel 1

if [ "$ROOTONLY" != "y" ]
        then cat /.lvdata | grep -v "\^rootvg" 1>/dev/null 2>&1
             if test $? -eq 0
             then msg 21 '\\n\\nBacking up User Volume Groups ..'
                  sleep 3
                  if [ -z "$hostname" ]
                     then /usr/sbin/mkvgback -${PACK}nf $device
                     else /usr/sbin/mkvgback -${PACK}nf $device -h $hostname
 /*  add the following command to check for return code 32 from
 /*  backup command (file not found)

rc=$?                 \#ADD This line

if test $rc -eq 32    \#ADD This line
        then rc=0     \#ADD This line
fi                    \#ADD This line

if test $rc -ne 0      \#CHANGE This line
   then msg 22 '\\tError backing up User Volume Groups\\007'
        cancel 1

msg 23 '\\nBackup complete\\n'

Next Action:
  Fax info to the customer

Support Line: Failure on the rootvg backup on a fullsystem backup ITEM: BT5769L
Dated: January 1997 Category: N/A
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