odm:2 error opening device mgr, while adding lexmark queue
Model 570 7013
DESC: Customer has converted system from using token ring to using
ethernet. Customer gets the error
odm:2 error opening device manager
when trying to add a lexmark attached queue. The same error shows
when using the "lslanprt" command. He does have bosext2.dlcether.obj
installed (COMPLETE, COMMIT). We were also able to go through smit
and find that the dlcether was configured with a "depth of receive
queue" of "32". I went ahead and had him hit return at this point,
and it completed successfully, but the error persists.
Most previous instances ended up referred to Lexmark. Customer went
ahead and removed the lap software, and reinstalled it. He got an
error about not being able to find the IEEE ethernet. I suggested
that he try adding an et0 interface. It turns out that there is one.
However, he does not have an IEEE dlc added. The bosext2.dlc8023.obj
is not installed.
Customer was able to install bosext2.dlc8023.obj and then configure
an 802.3 dlc. This corrected the error.
Support Line: odm:2 error opening device mgr, while adding lexmark queue ITEM: BS9465L
Dated: January 1997 Category: N/A
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