0519-101 libodm error on lscfg


Env:  AIX 3.2.5.

Desc:  The "lscfg" command yields:
0519-101 libodm: Cannot add to the object class collection.
        Check path name and permissions.

The ODMDIR path is correct, and there is plenty of free space in
/ and /tmp.  The permissions and ownership of all the ODM files
and directories are correct, as well.

Action:  This error relates to an entry in the /usr/include/odmi.h
header file. The odmi.h files shows an error pertaining to 
VCHAR_CLASS_PERMS; relating to ODM classes that have a file
with a "vc" suffix included with them.

VCHAR type error messages indicate a problem with the "*.vc" files
associated with variable lenth strings some ODM entries have.

The customer ran "odmget [class]" on all the ODM classes in the
/etc/objrepos directory and got this error on PDiagDev:

0518-506 odmget: Cannot open object class PDiagDev
        Check path name and permissions.

PDiagDev is one of the classes with a .vc file.

On a test machine, I copied /dev/null over 
/usr/lib/objrepos/ and "lscfg" came back with:
0519-101 libodm: Cannot add to the object class collection.
        Check path name and permissions.

Restoring this file resolved the customer's problem.

Next:  Closing with customer approval.

Support Line: 0519-101 libodm error on lscfg ITEM: BS0763L
Dated: December 1996 Category: N/A
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