Volume group with strange PVid.

Env: 4.1 Model 7013 

Desc: Volume group VG8 is not being recognized after power failure.

Act: Customer varied off the vg - vg8
     exportvg vg8
     importvg -y vg8 hdisk3 hdisk4 hdisk11
     error: pv name not entered 
     had him importvg -y vg8 hdisk3
     it gets "getlvodm unable to find device id; id hdisk0 ; 
     device config not found in database

     Had power outage.  After rebooting, hdisk11 was in vg8.  It now
     shows defined.  hdisk0 with a strange id shows "none" for vg.

     Can't get to data on this disk.

     lspv ->  hdisk0 39c339c339c339c3  none
lquerypv -h hdisk0 80 10 shows:
00000080   39C339C3 39C339C3 39C339C3 39C339C3  ||

lqueryvg -Ptp hdisk4
Physical:       0000587440a3b7b4 1   0  
                0000587440a3d1fa 1   0  
                39c339c339c339c3 1   0  

lsvg -p vg8
hdisk3            active      63          13          00..00..00..00..13
hdisk4            active      127         0           00..00..00..00..00
0516-304 lsvg: Unable to find device id 39c339c339c339c3 in the Device
        Configuration Database.
39c339c339c339c3  active      127         0           00..00..00..00..00

synclvodm -v vg8
0516-304 getlvodm: Unable to find device id 
39c339c339c339c30000000000000000 in the Device Configuration Database.

From what is seen, we do not have a completely valid PVID for
this disk.

This is a problem with the odm in relation to this, and there is
a temporary fix.

odmget -q name=hdisk0 CuAt > disk_file
        name = "hdisk0"
        attribute = "pvid"
        value = "39c339c339c339c339c339c339c339c3"
        type = "R"
        generic = "D"
        rep = "s"
        nls_index = 2

We edited the above disk_file: and changed the value 
  "39c339c339c339c339c339c339c339c3" to 
We then ran odmdelete -q name=hdisk0 -o CuAt
And then ran odmadd disk_file.
And now lsvg -p vg8 shows hdisk0 active. And the the filesystem 
spanned to hdisk0 fsck's fine.

Please Note: this is only a temporary fix. After the data has been
saved the disk with the strange PVid needs to be taken out of
the VG using reducevg command. Then they following commands need 
to be run to give the disk a valid PVid.

chdev -l hdisk0 -a pv=clear
chdev -l hdisk0 -a pv=yes

After this, the disk can be re-added to the VG, and all data

Next: close

Support Line: Volume group with strange PVid. ITEM: BR1077L
Dated: November 1996 Category: N/A
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~13:30:20
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