Wants to limit a group of people to use printer
model 7024 e20
Wants to limit a group of people to use printer
ENV: AIX 4.1.4, Model 7024 E20
DESC: Can I limit a print queue to a group of people?
I think there are a number of ways to handle this.
The solution depends on how the printer is attached.
1. Make a copy of the backend program, and give that backend
permissions that only certain people can execute the program
2. Make the "file = xx" file have permissions accessible only
by certain users.
You can use groups, or acl's for restricting permissions to a file.
Explained a couple options to the customer:
1. Make a copy of the backend rembak called staffbak
2. Change the permissions of staffbak to particular group.
3. Add a line to queue device: file = /dev/lpstaff
4. Create file /dev/lpstaff with permissions for group
Support Line: Wants to limit a group of people to use printer ITEM: BQ2137L
Dated: December 1996 Category: N/A
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