ITEM: BM8203
Hanging on led 911 when booting from sysback image
AIX 4.1
RISC 7013-59H (server) and J30 (client)
Tape 7208-011 5gb 8mm
Customer created a fullsystem backup of his 59H and tried to
boot his J30 from that system backup tape.
The leds are 253 299 911
Led 911 means you are booting from a invaild boot image on
a rs6ksmp machine (j30).
The customer did not build the correct boot image for a
mp system. The customer states he did not get that option
when building the system backup tape on the 59H in smit.
He states he only had a option for the rs6k up kernal.
This is due to missing these file sets: and devices.rs6ksmp.base.rte
1. I had the customer install on the 59H, devices.rs6ksmp.base.rte for the IO ports, and device support for the
SCSI adapters.
2. reboot the 59H
3. rebuild the full system backup tape.
Next Action:
Closing with customer approval
Support Line: Hanging on led 911 when booting from sysback image ITEM: BM8203
Dated: August 1996 Category: N/A
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