ITEM: BM8150

Hanging on led 911 when booting from sysback tapes

  AIX 4.2
  RISC 7013-59H (server)  and  J30 (client)
  Tape 7208-011 5gb 8mm

  Customer created a fullsystem backup of his 59H and tried to 
  boot his J30 from that system backup tape.  
  The leds are 253 299 911

  This led is caused when you boot a rs6ksmp (mp kernal) system
  from a invaild boot image.  I looked on the customer's 59H 
  system and noticed it does not have installed.  This 
  contains the file /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp
  I also looked at the script /usr/sbin/  It will
  by default create a mp kernal if you are on a rs6k (classical
  risc) or a rs6ksmp (mp kernal) and  if the file 
  /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp exist  If it does NOT exist 
  it will then use /usr/lib/boot/unix_up instead.
  This is a major difference from AIX 4.1 when you had to either
  select rspc, rs6k or rs6ksmp boot images.  This was due to 
  different proto files each boot image had to use.
  For AIX 4.2 systems, the rs6k and rs6ksmp were combined 
  because AIX 4.2 only has one proto file and rs6ksmp platform 
  type no longer exists.  So you only choose from two types of
  boot images either:  
  rs6k  RISC System/6000 (UP or SMP)                                
  rspc  PCI-based (PC) RISC System/6000

  The problem here is that customer's thinks they
  are building a boot image for a mp, but since they don't have
  /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp installed they are not, they are building
  a boot image for a up kernal only.

  1.  I had the customer install,
      for the IO ports, and SCSI adapters on
      the 59H

  2.  reboot the 59H
  3.  rebuild the full system backup tape.

Next Action:
  Closing with customer approval

Support Line: Hanging on led 911 when booting from sysback tapes ITEM: BM8150
Dated: August 1996 Category: N/A
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