Adding static routes to PPP interface on bootup

        43p 4.1.4  Ethernet and ppp 
        Customer can ping pc on ethernet and can ping the other end  
        of the ppp link from the 43p.
        Customer cannot ping the pc from the other side of the ppp
        Has problem with routes.
        Determined that the system did not have ipforwarding on.
        Set it to one.
        ping traffic appears on modem in (to 43p) appears both ways
        on ethernet (netstat -ni packet count) but no packets from 
        43p to modem.
        Added default route.  Ping works across machine.
        When system boots the routes are not correct.  Default route
        is not entered in routing table.
        Turns out that the pp0 interface must be configured before
        default route to pp0 will be accepted.
        Told customer to add it in the script that configures ppp
        after pp0 is configured.

        He thinks that the system should handle adding this route 
        as routes are added for other interfaces. (Maybe the pp0
        configuration should occur earlier in the boot process.

        Discussed with TCPCOM how routes are added in but
        the ppp interfaces aren't added until much later in boot
        by rcppp and therefore routes you wish to add on each
        boot for PPP must be added into /etc/ppp/mkppp - is this
        intentional for some reason that is not apparent?

The interface routes are added only when the ppp ip interfaces are installed
by the control daemon.   No one should edit /etc/ppp/mkppp since it will
be updated and is not a published command for users to use (ie no man page).
SMIT pannels can break also if it is changed.

Since PPP uses streams to install the IP interfaces it can not follow
the normal cfgif processing and some variations had to be accomodated.

This just happens to be because the IP interfaces are not part of the 
ODM startup process.   It was consciously decided to NOT have the
pppcontrold started from the smit pannel by adding it to  
A customer  may edit and therefore we chose to not start it 
from there.

The customers do not have to start ppp using the rcppp entry in 
the inittab.  For customer situations where it is  requirement that
the ppp interfaces be set for routes from ODM they need to insert
the startsrc -s pppcontrold into the AFTER all the interfaces
are configured.  

Alternativly after the control daemon is started, the static routes
can be added via a script in inittab (as would be done in most other
unixes) or by re running the cfgif.

Support Line: Adding static routes to PPP interface on bootup ITEM: BM4448L
Dated: August 1996 Category: N/A
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