ppp and proxy arp

DESC: Customer has the following:

ethernet on RISC  =
ppp on RISC       =
ppp client        =

sm =

ACT: I suggested that they change their subnet mask to, and then use some 137.65.42.? addresses for
their ppp connection.  This way, the rest of the network
still sees both .42 and .43 as the same network, but this
RISC machine considers them separate.  This allows it to
distinguish between the ppp connections and the ethernet

NEXT: customer will experiment with this.

ACT: faxing the following:

The only other solution (other than subnets) that I have for you is to 
create a file in the format

\  \  \ pub

The \ would be "ether" for standard ethernet or "802.5"
for token-ring.
The \ would be the ip address of each of the client ppp
machines (seperate line for each client)
The \ would be the RISC system's hardware address for
its main network interface

Once this file is created you would need to run "arp -f \".
At this point the RISC system should reply to arp requests for those
ip addresses with its own hardware address.

For this to be entered each time the system comes up, you would need
to add this command to the /etc/ script.

Since proxy arp is not a supported feature, I must leave you with these
instructions.  I will refer you to the arp command in the man pages
and InfoExplorer.

Support Line: ppp and proxy arp ITEM: BE5226L
Dated: February 1996 Category: N/A
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