Setting Printronix 9012 for 17 CPI pitch
ENV: AIX 3.2.5, Printronix P9012 printer.
DESC: Tried to set the _p pitch value to 17 cpi and it came
back and told me that only 10 and 12 pitch are supported.
I know this printer supports the 17cpi.
ACT: The colon file does not support 17 cpi, at least thru the _p
attribute, I do not know if _q attribute, which is:
Set Print Quality (0: fastfont; 1: draft; 2:NLQ; 3:enhanced) will
have any effect on it or not. One of these modes may support this
pitch. Try setting these attributes and see what happens.
_K=+, _q=0, 1, 2 or 3.
If these do not work the alternatives would be to send your own
escape codes, modify the ci attribute and place the escape code
there. Put the printer into pass-through mode and set it at the
printer itself.
DESC: I had to put _p back to 10, set _K+ and then the _q with a 0,1,2,
and 3 did what I wanted.
ACT: To recap, put a P9012 into 17 cpi.
_p=10, _K=+ and the use _q= for
Set Print Quality (0: fastfont; 1: draft; 2:NLQ; 3:enhanced)
Works like a charm
Support Line: Setting Printronix 9012 for 17 CPI pitch ITEM: BD1696L
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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