Unable to create a logical volume.
ENV: 4.1.4, C20
DESC: Unable to create a logical volume across multiple
physical volumes using SMIT. Errors 0516-032, 0516-822,
0516-304, 0516-356, 0516-916.
Act: Customer tried to create a LV of 780 PP's at 4 MB each.
He gets the following errors:
0516-032 lextendlv: Illegal physical partition number.
0516-822 mklv: Unable to create logical volume.
0516-304 getlvodm: Unable to find device id 00000013643dcec7.1
in the Device Configuration Database.
0516-356 lvrelminor: Warning, the reldevno function failed.
0516-304 putlvodm: Unable to find device id 00000013643dcec7.1
in the Device Configuration Database.
0516-916 rmlv: Warning, cannot remove logical volume
from device configuration database.
Looked in Autext and there is a limitation when creating
a Logical Volume, it cannot be over 2 GB and have copies
set to 2 at the same time.
mklv to create the LV
mklvcopy to create the copy, this worked fine.
This limitation is documented in the 4.1.x release notes.
Support Line: Unable to create a logical volume. ITEM: BC0376L
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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