Network install on SP2 causes a disk to go defined


  AIX 3.2.5
  SP2 Node 39H 
  DISK: 2.2gb 16bit 
  ADAPTER: Fast and Wide Adapter

  Customer is doing a network boot then installs from a
  mksysb.  Upon reboot hdisk0 goes from a Available state
  to a define state, then is reconfig. at hdisk1.

  The problem is the network boot image does not have
  the support for the ENHANCED SCSI 2 ADAPTER, so the disk
  shows up as a Other Scsi Disk in service mode.  When the
  system boots to normal mode hd5 has the support for the 
  ENHANCED SCSI 2 ADAPTER so the disk then shows up 
  at the next available number as a 2.2gb 16bit and the
  hdisk0 (osd) shows up as defined.  

  FIX use sysback/6000 since it builds the network boot
  image with all the current device support

  FIX apply this APAR: IX54303  (currently not available)

  WORKAROUND:  Run the dsksync fax (available from 1-800-IBM-4FAX,
               fax \#1910) to get the disk to the correct order.

Next Action: 
  Closing with customer approval

Support Line: Network install on SP2 causes a disk to go defined ITEM: BB9480L
Dated: November 1995 Category: N/A
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