SMIT error 1800-109 when starting a subsystem in 4.1.3


The customer upgraded from AIX v4.1.2 to v4.1.3. Since then he gets the
following error whenever he tries to start a subsystem through smit:
        1800-109: there are currently no additional smit screen entries available
        this item may require the installation of additional software 
        before it can be accessed.

It worked fine in 4.1.2 but he has encountered this error every time 
since upgrading to 4.1.3.


 I had the customer check for the following filesets:


  ...these fileset were installed and committed. We ran the fastpath:

                \# smit startssys

  ...and that worked. However if he goes through SMIT such as:

        \# smit
                Processes & Subsystems
                                Start a Subsystem
  ...then it fails and gives the error. Next I had the customer run:

  \# odmget -q "id=subsys and next_id=startssys" sm_menu_opt> /tmp/fix
  ...He got the following output:
                        id_seq_num = "030"
                        id = "subsys"
                        next_id = "startssys"
                        text = "Start a Subsystem"
                        text_msg_file = ""
                        text_msg_set = 40
                        text_msg_id = 10
                        next_type = "d"
                        alias = ""
                        help_msg_id = "05130010"
                        help_msg_loc = ""
                        help_msg_base = ""
                        help_msg_book = ""

After running the following command:

  odmget -q "id=subsys and next_id=startssys" sm_menu_opt

...on our 3.2.5 and 4.1.3 test machines. On the 3.2.5 machine the
command returned:
                        id_seq_num = "030"
                        id = "subsys"
                        next_id = "startssys"
                        text = "Start a Subsystem"
                        text_msg_file = ""
                        text_msg_set = 40
                        text_msg_id = 10
                        next_type = "d"
                        alias = ""
                        help_msg_id = "05130010"
                        help_msg_loc = ""
                        help_msg_base = ""
                        help_msg_book = ""

while on the 4.1.3 machine the command returns:
                        id_seq_num = "030"
                        id = "subsys"
                        next_id = "startssys"
                        text = "Start a Subsystem"
                        text_msg_file = ""
                        text_msg_set = 40
                        text_msg_id = 10
                        next_type = "n"
                        alias = ""
                        help_msg_id = "05130010"
                        help_msg_loc = ""
                        help_msg_base = ""
                        help_msg_book = ""

These lists are the same except for the next_type entry. On 3.2.5 it
shows next_type="d" where the 4.1.3 shows next_type="n". The customer
is at 4.1.3 but his shows next_type="d". 

The customer executed:

  \# odmget -q "id=subsys and next_id=startssys" sm_menu_opt > /tmp/fix
  \# vi /tmp/fix        --change next_type=d to next_type=n--
  \# odmadd /tmp/fix
  \# odmdelete -o sm_menu_opt -q "id=subsys and next_id=startssys and

...After this change it worked.  

Support Line: SMIT error 1800-109 when starting a subsystem in 4.1.3 ITEM: BA7809L
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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