HOWTO: Configure nvpager using Rulesets

Last Update Date:  02/27/96

         Tips on Configuring Netview For AIX V4 Paging Utility


The following is a sample configuration for you to automate a pager
when a node down event is detected from all routers.  Before you
start, you need to have the following information on hand:

 - Pager carrier information:
   . Carrier modem phone number
   . Pager PIN number (user ID)
 - Attributes of carrier modem: baud rate, parity, data bit,
   stop bit, etc.

 Note: The pager function currently only supports the TAP protocol and
       expects an "ID=" prompt response from the carrier.

Configuration steps:

I. Configure a tty device for modem using SMIT:

   $ smit tty
       Add a TTY
         Select TTY type, e.g., "tty rs232 Asynchronous Terminal"
         Select proper parent adapter
         At "Add a TTY" screen enter proper value to the attributes
           of the TTY
           Note: You may use all the default values here.  Make sure the
                 "Enable LOGIN" is NOT "available" and use "dumb" as
                 Terminal Type.  In most modem connection, use RTS-CTS
                 handshaking instead of XON-XOFF.

II. Add the following lines to /etc/uucp/Devices file:

    Direct tty0 - xxxx direct
    ACU tty0 - xxxx hayes

      where xxxx is the baud rate of modem, like 2400, 9600.

III. Test modem connection using "cu" command or nvpagerd debug mode:

    a. Using "cu" command to test modem connection and carrier responses:

       $ cu -d -ltty0 -s1200 -e \

           You should see prompt like:


         Note: Outputs of this process is appended at the end of this 

         Command Flags: -d              Output debug traces
                        -l\        Specify the modem tty device
                        -s\       Specify the speed of modem
                        -e              Generate even parity data

    b. Using nvpagerd debug mode:

       $ ovstop nvpagerd
       $ nvpagerd -d           /* Run this command in shell foreground
       $ nvpage pagerID@carrier "test_messages"

       Look at the dialing sequences and responses from the carrier
       in the /usr/OV/log/nvpager.alog file.  An example of nvpagerd.alog
       file is appended at the end of this document.

IV. Configure Netview paging files in /usr/OV/conf directory:

    1. Edit nv.carrier to include appropriate information about the
       carrier.  The value of modem line attributes stated here will
       overwrite those defined in the tty definitions.  The following
       is an example:

       1) Carrier: Mobilecom2
       2)          Modem phone \#: 1-800-946-4644
       3)          Numeric IDs accepted on modem line: N
       4)          DTMF phone \#:
       5)          Max. message length: 190
       6)          Max. digits in alphanumeric pager \#: 8
       7)          Max. blocks/transaction: 1
       8)          Max. transactions/call: 3
       9)          Baud rate: 1200
       10)         Parity: E
       11)         Data bits: 7
       12)         Stop bits: 1
       13)         Password:

       Note: 1) Name of the carrier
             2) The modem line provided by carrier for you to dial.
             3) "Y" if pager PIN number (pager ID) is numeric
                "N" if pager PIN number (pager ID) is alphanumeric
             4) Carrier touch-tone phone number (optional)
           5-8) You can use the default values
             9) Baud rate (300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400)
                supported by carrier modem phone.
            10) Parity (N=none, E=even, O=odd)
            11) Data bits (7,8)
            12) Stop bits (1,2)
            13) Password to logon to carrier (optional)

            Note: - At early level of Netview for AIX, it is suggested
                    that you move the stanza of the carrier to the top
                    of the file, and limit the number of carrier stanzas
                    (uncommented) in the file to 10.  It may not
                    work if you put the this carrier stanza on the
                    bottom of the file.
                  - The information in nv.carriers file will overwrite
                    that in the nvpager.config file.

    2. Select or Create appropriate *.modem file.  Some modem files are
       provided in the /usr/OV/conf directory.  You may use newhayes.modem
       file for most Hayes compatible modems, or use the blank.modem file
       as a template to create your .modem file.  You don't have to
       modify the files that are available in this directory.

    3. Edit nvpager.config file to define physical characteristics of
       your modem, for example:

       Outside Line \# (p=Pause): 9p     /* This make dial sequence be
                                        /* 9p18009494644 to MobileComm
       Default Modem File: newhayes.modem
       Default Baud Rate (300,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400): 2400
       Default Data Bits (7,8): 7
       Default Parity (N,E,O): E
       Default Stop Bits (1,2): 1
       Default Device: tty0

    4. Refresh nvpagerd daemon to read the changes in the above files:

       $ ovstop nvpagerd
       $ ovstart nvpagerd

       Note:  You should always use ovstop to kill nvpagerd.

V. Create Netview for AIX security user profiles for users who you
   want to page automatically:

   1. Start Security Administration process:

      $ nvsec_admin &

         - Click "Add" on the Users section to get "Add User" panel
         - Enter new User ID, like "pageree" and select a Group ID, like
           "Oper", then click on "Set Pager Information"
         - At Pager Information popup window, enter PIN (User ID) of
           the pager and select the carrier that you defined in
           nv.carriers file.  If the pager PIN is alphanumber, select
           Pager Type "Alpha".  Click OK.

           Note:  The pager PIN number is required.  Contact the pager
                  carrier help line if the PIN number is not available.

         - Click OK on "Add User" panel.

VI. Test the pager using "actPager" command:

    $ /usr/OV/bin/actPager pageree "test_messages"

      where "pageree" is the user that you created in step V.

VII. Configure an event that automatically sends the page:

    1. From Netview GUI menu, select:
       - Options
         - Event Configuration
           - Trap Customization: SNMP...
             From the Event Configuration panel:
             - Highlight the Enterprise ID, like "netView6000"
             - Highlight the Event ID, like NVNDWN_EV (Specific 58916865
             - Click on "Modify"
               From the Modify Event panel:
               - At the Command for Automatic Action field,
                 enter '/usr/OV/bin/actPager pageree "your_messages"'
               - Click OK
             - Clock OK on the Event Configuration panel

    2. Test the pager by creating the event:

       $ event -E 58916865

       You should see the event card displayed on the Event Control Desk.
       In a few seconds you should receive the page.

VIII. Automate paging using Ruleset

   Scenario:  The following configuration will automate a pager when the
              Node_Down event (Specific 58916865) is detected from all
              routers (isRouter = TRUE).

   1. Start Ruleset editor:

      a) From Command line: "nvrsEdit &"  OR
      b) From Netview GUI process menu option: Tools...Ruleset Editor

      You should see the Templates window and the Ruleset Work Area
      with the Event Stream (EE) node.

   2. Create a new ruleset:

      . In the Templates Area drag the Trap Settings icon
        into Ruleset Work Area using the second mouse button.
      . In the Trap Settings dialog box select Enterprise ID
        "netView6000" and event NVNDWN_EV (Specific 58916865).
        Comparison Type should be "Equal To".
      . Click OK.
      . From the Ruleset Work Area menu select Edit...Connect Two
        Nodes.  Click on the Event Stream(EE) node and then the Trap
        Settings node.  The Trap Settings node will then be connected
        to the EE node.
      . In the Templates drag the Query Database Field icon to the
        Work Area.  In the Query Database Field dialog box fill in
        the following values:

           Field Name:       isRouter
           Object ID Source: 2 (select) /* This identifies the source
                                        /* object from event variable $2
           Comparison Type:  Equal To
           Compare Field To: Literal Value: TRUE

      . Click OK on Query Database Field box.

        Note:  If you would like to automate the pager on events from
               a specific router only, use the Event Attributes icon,
               instead of Query Database Field on the Template.

      . From the Ruleset Work Area menu select Edit...Connect Two
        Nodes.  Click on the Trap Settings node and then the Query
        Database Field node. This step is not required at latest PTF level.
      . In the Templates drag the Pager icon to the Work Area.
        At the Pager dialogue box enter user ID that you have defined
        at Step V, like "pageree".  Enter paging message in the Message
        Text area.  Then click OK on the Pager dialogue box.
      . From the Work Area menu select Edit...Connect Two Nodes.
        Click on the Query Database Field node and then the Pager node.
        This step is required at the latest PTF level.
      . In the Template drag the Forward icon to the Work Area.
      . Click OK.
      . From the Work Area menu select Edit...Connect Two Nodes.
        Click on the Query Database Field node and then the Forward
      . To save the ruleset in the Work Area menu select
        File...Save As.  In the Save As dialog box enter selection
        name, like /usr/OV/conf/rulesets/  Note that the
        Ruleset name needs to be suffixed by ".rs".

   3. Create a Dynamic Workspace that uses the new ruleset.

      . On the current Event control desk menu, select Create...
        Dynamic Work Space.  From the Dynamic Workspace dialog box
        enter Work Title, like isRouter, and select ""
        from the Rules List.
      . Click OK on the Correlation File Selection box.
      . Click OK on the Dynamic Workspace box.

      Note: If the ruleset is not specified in the new dynamic event
            workspace, the rules will not be applied and the pager
            won't be automated.

   4. Test the event:

      Note: Go back to Step VII and clear the "Command for Automatic
            Action" field.

      $ event -h \ -E 58916865

      You should see the event card on the new dynamic event workspace.
      In a few second, you should receive the page.

Appendix A: Sample outputs of "cu -d -l tty1 -e 918009464644" process:

altconn called
Device Type ACU is wanted
ttylock tty1 succeeded
Attempting to open /dev/tty1
fixline(7, Changing tty c_cflags from 03602657
Changing tty c_cflags to   03606657
gdial(hayes) called
expect: ("")
got it
Sendthem (DELAY
nap(200) AT\^MNO CR)
expect: (OK)
AT\^M\^M\^JOKgot it
Sendthem (PAUSE
nap(25) ATDT918009464644\^MNO CR)
expect: (CONNECT)
\^M\^JATDT918009464644\^M\^M\^JCONNECTgot it
Changing tty c_cflags from 03606657
Changing tty c_cflags to   03602657
getto ret 7
The status of device fd is 7.
F_GETFL=2,iflag=`1005',oflag=`0',cflag=`3602657',lflag=`0',cc[0]=`3',[1]=`34' ,
[2]=`10' , [3]=`25' , [4]=`1' , [5]=`0' , [6]=`0' , [7]=`21' , [8]=`23' , [9]=`3
2' , [10]=`31' , [11]=`22' , [12]=`17' , [13]=`27' , [14]=`26' , [15]=`0' ,
call _mode(1)
_receive started
tranmission started
                /* In some carrier software you need to enter some 
                /* keys, like Enter key, to get the "ID=" prompt . 

Appendix B:  Sample /usr/OV/conf/nvpagerd.alog file:

Modem Characteristics:
        Name:  Hayes Compatible Modems
        Init: ATS11=80S0=0E1H0M1Q0V1X1L1&D2
        Command mode: +++
        Command terminator: 0x0D
        Dial: ATDT
        Dial pause: ,
        Dial \#: \#
        Dial *: *
        Hangup: ATH0
        Valid command response: OK
        Valid connect: CONNECT
        Echo: Y

PUTS(4) txd->ATS11=80S0=0E1H0M1Q0V1X1L1&D2\<
PUTC(4) txd->\\<
GET rxd->ATS11=80S0=0E1H0M1Q0V1X1L1&D2\\\\<
GET rxd->OK\\\<
PUTS(4) txd->ATDT\<
PUTS(4) txd->9,1-800-946-4644\<
PUTC(4) txd->\\<
GET rxd->ATDT9,1-800-946-4644\\\\<
GET rxd->CONNECT 1200/NONE\\\<
PUTC(4) txd->\\<
WAITFOR(ID=) rxd-> \\ ID=\<
PUTC(4) txd->\\<
PUTS(4) txd->PG1\<
PUTC(4) txd->\\<
INPUT(\) rxd->\\<
INPUT(\) rxd->\\\<
WAITFOR(\[p\) rxd->\[p\\<
PUTS(4) txd->\1090052\test_messages\\275\\<
INPUT(\) rxd->\\<
INPUT(\) rxd->\\\<
02/19/96 11:27:28 SUCCEEDED (ID 4 Pri 3 Secs 36 Tries 1)
[] 1090052@Mobilecom2: test_messages
PUTS(4) txd->\\\<
INPUT(\) rxd-> \\<
INPUT(\) rxd->\ Thank you. \\<
INPUT(\) rxd->\\\<

Support Line: HOWTO: Configure nvpager using Rulesets ITEM: AV4041L
Dated: February 1996 Category: N/A
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