ITEM: AT9936

NetView - Status Color Changes and nvevents


I am having a problem where a server ICON on my map turns 
yellow because of an event but doesn't turn back to green 
when the problem is resolved and a cleared event is received.
The event that is suppose to correct the problem is configured 

Event Category - Status Events
Status - Default Status
Severity - cleared

When I change the Status to UP, the event causes the 
ICON to turn green again. 

What does 'Status - Default Status mean?  
What is the difference between UP and  Default Status?  
Is there any documentation on how Event Category, Status and 
Severity work and how each of the selection choices
affects the topology map?

If using the SNMP trap 58916871 that changes the status of an object,
the icon that represents that object is changing color on one map, but
not on all maps.


The "nvevents" application is the process that changes the symbol
colors based on status traps.  If, say, on one Xstation, you have
the User Interface running with nvevents (the events display
application), and on another Xstation (hooked to the same
workstation), you have the User Interface but no nvevents running,
then the symbol will change color on the first Xstation but not
the second (even if the same map is being viewed).

Perhaps even more confusingly, status changes made to one map will not
be made to other maps that are not being viewed through the User
Interface at that time.  So, if Map1 and Map2 have Symbol1, and Map1
is up, and nvevents is running, and the trap changes Symbol1 from
Green to Pink, when you bring up Map2, Symbol1 will still be Green
on Map2 (because it wasn't up when the trap came in).

Perhaps even more confusingly, status changes made to one map will not
be made to other maps that are not being viewed through the User
Interface at that time.  So, if Map1 and Map2 have Symbol1, and Map1
is up, and nvevents is running, and the trap changes Symbol1 from
Green to Pink, when you bring up Map2, Symbol1 will still be Green
on Map2 (because it wasn't up when the trap came in).

Furthermore, status changes (based on status traps... not netmon changes)
that change read/only (and not r/w) maps will not get saved to the map
database.  So, if you have Map1 open read/only, and the trap changes Symbol1
from Green to Pink... if you later on open up Map1 on, say, another Xstation,
the symbol will still be green.  (Please note that netmon changes
do not behave this way... they are saved in the IP topology database
and are reflected in all maps regardless of r/o/r/w status, or whether
nvevents is running.)

Support Line: NetView - Status Color Changes and nvevents ITEM: AT9936
Dated: January 1996 Category: N/A
This HTML file was generated 99/06/24~13:30:24
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