ITEM: AT9641

NetView - creating new connection types


Netview comes with generic, dotted, dashed or dotdashed
Connection types.  I would like to create a "double"
Connection type that would represent an FDDI connection.

I have read about symbol creation, and have done that
in the past.  But I do not see any informaiton on
creating new connection types.  Can it be done?  How?

Yes, you can define your own connection symbols.  I just created
my own by adding the following lines to the /usr/OV/symbols/C/Connection

SymbolType "Connection" : "MyConnection"
{        LineStyle Dash;
        LineDashPattern 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;
I then ran "ovw -config", brought the User Interface back up, and
then tried Edit..Add..Connection, and there was my connection

So, the trick is knowing how to set the Line Style and LineDashPattern.
How do you do this?  Read the man page for OVwRegIntro.  Around
line 1570 (I am not kidding!) you will see a grammar (get out the
old college textbooks) telling you what is acceptable.  Here is
the relevant part of the grammar:

   LineStyle ::= "LineStyle" "Solid" ";" | "LineStyle" "Dash" ";"

   LineDashPattern ::= "LineDashPattern" DashLengths ";"

   DashLengths ::= DashLength | DashLength "," DashLengths

   DashLength ::= Integer

So, your LineStyle is a choice of "Solid;" or "Dash;", and your
LineDashPattern is a list of integers separated by commas with
a semicolon at the end.

So, it doesn't look like double lines are possible (after all that!),
but you can make any variety of dashed line you like.

Please note that although you can define new connection symbol types,
you can't necessarily make existing OVw applications (like ipmap)
use them.  New connection symbol types would basically be there
for your own applications to use.

Support Line: NetView - creating new connection types ITEM: AT9641
Dated: January 1996 Category: N/A
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