SYSBACK function keys with the progress indicator screen

  AIX 3.2.5  
  Sysback version

  Customer  has run sysback with 3164,3151,3161,3141 and a 
  pc emulating a vt220 terminal.  All sysback screens work with the
  exception of the progress indicator screen.  The F1-F5 function keys 
  will not work at all. \^C will regain control.  Screen will lock up on
  backups, restores or lists.  Anytime the progress indicator screen
  is displayed.

  The progress indicator screen is generated with the sbsmitout
  program.  sbsmitout uses curses to write the screen template and 
  monitor for the keyboard input.  The terminfo files for the terminal 
  types exhibiting the problem all place a CR (\\r) at the end of the 
  function key character sequence.  Curses is not reconizing the \\r and 
  therefore is not recognizing the function keys.

  Problem resolution:

  This occurrs only on terminals with function keys which send a CR 
  (\\r) at end of line. Due to curses limitations/bugs, function keys 
  ESC a\\r,ESC b\\r, etc are hard-coded. This covers the IBM ascii 
  terminals (3151, 3163, etc).

  WORKAROUND: use ESC 1 for F1, ESC 2 for F2, etc.
              Fix in sysback version

Support Line: SYSBACK function keys with the progress indicator screen ITEM: AT7224L
Dated: January 1996 Category: N/A
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