ITEM: AT6253L PMP breaks SNA microcode for blkmux.


Env:    AIX  SNA Server/6000 (U439043)  Blkmux
.Desc:  Installed AIX v3.2.5.1 PMP and now cannot access the block
        mux adapter.

Act:    The device cat0 and dlcchannel are available, but trying to 
        start a link station that uses that adapter gives the following 

        0105-2906: protocol error on logical link.

        Running the 'check' command produced the following error:

        checksum for file /usr/lib/microcode/fe92d.00.00 is 20986, the 
        expected value is 3812.

        When the customer installed the AIX 3251 PMP, the block mux
        microcode provided by SNA was overwritten with the  
        block mux microcode that only supports TCP/IP.

        To re-install the SNA block mux microcode the customer had
        to rename /etc/methods/cfgcat and /etc/methods/cfgblkmux
        and reboot - this caused the device to come up as Defined
        instead of Available.  Then reinstall sna.blkmux.cuu and
        sna.blkmux.usr.  Now you should be able to configure and usa
        SNA over the block mux adapter.

Support Line: PMP breaks SNA microcode for blkmux. ITEM: AT6253L
Dated: February 1996 Category: N/A
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