ITEM: AS7655

IP Address Discovery Conditions



  Conditions for discovering a given IP address:

  If IP address is not listed in a seed file:

    1) netmon must "learn" of an IP address from some source, usually
       from a table in a MIB that netmon already knows about.
    2) netmon must be able to ping that interface.
    3) The network in which that IP address resides must exist and be
       managed in the IP topology database.

  If IP address is listed in a seed file:

    1) netmon must be able to ping the interface
    2) The network in which that IP address resides does not need to exist
       in the IP Topology database, but if it does, it must be in the managed


  So, just being able to ping an IP address does not ensure the discovery
  of the IP address.

  Here are some things to try/consider:

    1) use the "ovtopodump -rl \" command to see if the IP
       addresses you are interested in have really been discovered.
    2) Use  the latest PTF to ensure that you have the
       most up to date discovery algorithms available.

Support Line: IP Address Discovery Conditions ITEM: AS7655
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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