can I use UUCP to download a file to a remote tape drive.

Env: 3.2.5
     Model C10

Desc: Customer had questions about moving a file from one system
        to another using UUCP.  Customer wanted to know if there was
        a way to move a file from a remote system through a modem
        to the tape drive of another system.  Customer could get
        file on system and also wanted to know how to move the file
        from her system to the local tape drive.

        Since you already have uucp set up you can do this quite
        easily with uux:

        uux "systemb!/usr/bin/tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 systema!sourcefile"

        This command should be run on systema
        It says basically "on system b run to command
        tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 with an input file named sourcefile on

        This might not work as desired for entire directories and you
        may have to back up by absolute path name because of UUCP

Support Line: can I use UUCP to download a file to a remote tape drive. ITEM: AS7387L
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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