The sna cmd requires .sna.status to start the subsystem.

Env:  AIX SNA Server V2.x and V3.x 
  The sna subsystem will not start with the following command:
  \# sna -start sna
  No verified profiles in committed database. SNA not started.

   SNA Server requires a set of verified profiles to provide expected 
   communications funcions.  Profiles are verified with the verifysna
   command which also updates /var/sna/.sna.status with the date
   of the last profile verification.

   Either of the following commands will result in a usable .sna.status
   file and allow sna to be started via the sna command.

    \# verifysna -U 

    \# touch /var/sna/.sna.status

    See AIX SNA Server manuals for details on these commands and
    on sna profile configuration.

    The SRC may be able to start sna without a vailid set of profiles
    however the sna subsystem may not be usable.

    \# startsrc -s sna

xxxxpaths.h:250:\#define SNA_STATUS_FILE      "/var/sna/.sna.status"
File is created by verifysna and contains the date of last profile
.from com/cmd/snacmd/newdiami.c 
Call stat to check for existence of /var/sna/.sna.status.
This is working as designed.   
The file /var/sna/.sna.status should not be removed.

Support Line: The sna cmd requires .sna.status to start the subsystem. ITEM: AP4481L
Dated: December 1995 Category: N/A
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