Smit fastpath gives error: 1800-109.


aix 4.1.2/error 1800-106 an error occurred/ tried to add a virtual printer


ENV:    4.1.2

DESC:   Just started getting the error: 1800-106: an error      
        They went through smit and were trying to add a queue
        when this error appears. It appears at the point where
        it should be asking whether the queue is remote,

ACT:    They do already have queues set up.
        Can't think of any system changes that have gone on
        between when the queues were last set up and now.

        The error occurs right after the select the option to
        add a queue.

        lpstat does not return the error.

        Change/show of the queues seems to work as does

smit -v -ltest.log
   add a print queue
   Now when error occurs exit and look at test.log.

smit log shows an error in this command:
       Doing following Command_to_List:
>/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piolsvp -A 2>/dev/null

Gives error:   18-050 exit status:

My system does this:

    Output from Command_to_List follows:
  local                Printer Attached to Local Host
  remote               Printer Attached to Remote Host
  xstation             Printer Attached to Xstation
  ascii                Printer Attached to ASCII Terminal
  hpJetDirect          Network Printer (HP JetDirect)
  file                 File (in /dev directory)
  other                User Defined Backend

cd /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc
ls      shows there are attach files.

./piolsvp -A

0782-606 Error a file or directory in the pathname does not exist.
in opening the ifle /.../etc/lexlink.attach.
lexlink -> /usr/lpp/lap/lexlink.attach

cat lexlink.attach
cannot open lexlink.attach.
ls -l /usr/lpp/lap/lexlink.attach   (This file is missing)
FIle was not found.
rm lexlink.attach
smit mkvirprt still gives an error.

./piolsvp -A

usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/ena.config -> /usr/lpp/lap/ena.config.
file path does not exist /usr/lib/ena.config.   (Missing)
This is also a link to /usr/lpp/lap/ena.config which is missing.

Customer will clean up links and this will work

Support Line: Smit fastpath gives error: 1800-109. ITEM: AM7011L
Dated: August 1995 Category: N/A
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