lslpp -ha returns errors.
ENV: AIX 3.2.5
DESC: The customer ran the following commands:
export ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos
odmdelete -q "name='sna.gwdoc.obj'" -o lpp
odmdelete -q "name='gw.sna.obj'" -o lpp
export ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos
odmdelete -q "name='sna.gwdoc.obj'" -o lpp
odmdelete -q "name='gw.sna.obj'" -o lpp
After this, I had the customer issued "lslpp -ha",
and we received two errors from this command:
0504-123 and 0504-308.
ACT: odmget lpp | grep gateway
odmget lpp | grep gw
I also had Joe run:
lslpp -ha -Osr gw.sna.obj
this gave two 0514-116 : no products found
I then found that the ODMDIR was last set to /etc/objrepos. So I had
Joe set it to /usr/lib/objrepos, and then had him run:
odmget lpp | grep gateway
odmget lpp | grep gw
nothing from both of them
DESC: customer runs lslpp -ha gw.sna.obj and it fails
with the following errors:
0514-308 can not match product name with product id
From reading through the item, it appears that the customer
remove the product from the lpp odm.
ACT: first step make backup copies of the /usr/lib/objrepos.
odmget product | grep gw.sna.obj
this list 2 stanzas
odmdelete -q lpp_name=gw.sna.obj -o product
2 objects deleted.
\# lslpp -ha
no runs cleanly
Support Line: lslpp -ha returns errors. ITEM: AL2597L
Dated: July 1995 Category: N/A
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