PSE differences at AIX 4.1


   Env: AIX 4.1

   Desc: Pat has PSE (Portable Streams Environment) on 
        her 4.1 systems and she notices a difference from
        AIX 3.2.5 when she run the strload command.

Under 3.2.5 she used to get:

                dlpi:  yes
                echo: yes

Under 4.1 she gets:

                stddevice: yes
                stddevice: yes
                stdedx:  yes
                sc: yes

She would like to understand the difference between these two outputs
and if the 4.1 output gets her the same set up as the 3.2.5 output.

 The strload command loads the drivers and modules listed in /etc/pse.conf. 
They are simply loading some new drivers and modules with AIX 4.1. 
These files, which list the drivers and modules, are listed below for 

The /etc/pse.conf file for AIX 3.2.5 is: 
\# @(\#)40        1.8  com/cmd/pse/strload/pse.conf, bos, bos320 9/30/91 12:17:41
\# COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDPSE) Streams commands.
\# ORIGINS: 27
\# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1991
\# All Rights Reserved
\# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
\# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
\# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

\# PSE Configuration File
\# format:
\#    attribute filename [argument [node [minors ...]]] [\# comment]
\# attribute:    d(river),m(odule),s(tandard),+(multi-configure)
\# filename:     pathname to extension, relative to /usr/lib/drivers/pse
\# argument:     optional argument passed to extension's config routine
\# node:         alternate node to create (default is /dev/filename)
\# minors:       list of minors to create (nodes are strcat(node,minor))

\# PSE drivers

d+      dlpi    ether   /dev/dlpi/en    \# streams dlpi ethernet driver
d+      dlpi    802.3   /dev/dlpi/et    \# streams dlpi 802.3 driver
d+      dlpi    802.5   /dev/dlpi/tr    \# streams dlpi token ring driver
d       echo                            \# what-u-write-is-what-u-read
d       nuls                            \# streams version of /dev/null
d       spx                             \# streams "pipe multiplexor"

\# PSE communication protocols

d+      xtiso   unixdg  /dev/xti/unixdg \# unix domain datagrams
d+      xtiso   unixst  /dev/xti/unixst \# unix domain byte-stream
d+      xtiso   udp     /dev/xti/udp    \# UDP/IP
d+      xtiso   tcp     /dev/xti/tcp    \# TCP/IP

\# PSE modules

m       sc                              \# streams config list (scls) module
m       timod                           \# TLI module
m       tirdwr                          \# TLI read/write interface
The /etc/pse.conf file for AIX 4.1 is: 
\# @(\#)40  src/bos/usr/sbin/strload/pse.conf, cmdpse, bos411, 9428
A410j 3/30/94 18:22:05
\# COMPONENT_NAME: CMDPSE - Streams commands.
\# ORIGINS: 27 83
\# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1991, 1994
\# All Rights Reserved
\# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
\# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
\# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
\# LEVEL 1, 5 Year Bull Confidential Information 

\# PSE Configuration File
\# format:
\#    attribute filename [argument [node [minors ...]]] [\# comment]
\# attribute:    d(river),m(odule),s(tandard),+(multi-configure)
\# filename:     pathname to extension, relative to /usr/lib/drivers/pse
\# argument:     optional argument passed to extension's config routine
\# node:         alternate node to create (default is /dev/filename)
\# minors:       list of minors to create (nodes are strcat(node,minor))

\# PSE drivers and modules

d+      stddev  echo    /dev/echo       \# what-u-write-is-what-u-read
d+      stddev  nuls    /dev/nuls       \# streams version of /dev/null
d       spx                             \# streams "pipe multiplexor"
m       sc                              \# streams config list (scls) module

\# There are two ways to configure the following drivers and modules.  Select
\# only one method.
\# 1. Use different configuration files which do not require rebooting the
\#    machine.  If you do not want the DLPI driver, the XTISO driver, or the
\#    TIMOD module configured after every reboot, use method 1.
\#       The DLPI driver can be configured via the /etc/dlpi.conf file using the
\#       "strload -f /etc/dlpi.conf" command.
\#       The XTISO driver and TIMOD module for tli/xti applications can be 
\#       configured via the /etc/xtiso.conf file using the
\#       "strload -f /etc/xtiso.conf" command.
\# 2. Uncomment the following lines as needed and, after the next machine
\#    reboot, these drivers and modules will become available for use.  If you
\#    always want any of the following drivers or modules configured after every
\#    reboot, use method 2.
\# PSE drivers

\#d+     dlpi    en      /dev/dlpi/en    \# streams dlpi ethernet driver
\#d+     dlpi    et      /dev/dlpi/et    \# streams dlpi 802.3 driver
\#d+     dlpi    tr      /dev/dlpi/tr    \# streams dlpi token ring driver
\#d+     dlpi    fi      /dev/dlpi/fi    \# streams dlpi FDDI driver

\# PSE communication protocols

\#d+     xtiso   unixdg  /dev/xti/unixdg \# unix domain datagrams
\#d+     xtiso   unixst  /dev/xti/unixst \# unix domain byte-stream
\#d+     xtiso   udp     /dev/xti/udp    \# UDP/IP
\#d+     xtiso   tcp     /dev/xti/tcp    \# TCP/IP

\# PSE modules

\#m      timod                           \# TLI module
\#m      tirdwr                          \# TLI read/write interface
Please notice that in AIX 4.1 the dlpi and xtiso drivers are commented 
out and have different load files (indicated above). 

Support Line: PSE differences at AIX 4.1 ITEM: AJ2432L
Dated: May 1995 Category: N/A
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