cannot varyon a volume group.


Customer accepted the offhour charge.
.ENV:  AIX 3.2,
.DESC:  Customer had a disk drive problems.  He wanted to remove this
drive from the volume group.
.ACT:  He has 4 volume groups in the system.  Hdisk5 went bad and 
it belongs to volume group vg00.
.Had him run lsvg and it showed vg00 is varyoned.  
Had him runlsvg -o and vg00 was not listed. 
.lspv showed hdisk2, 3, 4 , 5 as none
lqueryvg showed pv counts are 4
.o  Ran "varyonvg vg00" and got the following error message

0516-320 lspv: PV 0000000000000000 is not assigne to a volume
                       group.redefinevg -d hdisk3 vg00.
.Had him exported and reimport the volume group but still could 
not varyon.  
.I suggested that he runs the rvgrecover script to clean up the 
.I faxed him the rvgrecover script and replace/remove disk from
the volume group.
.Customer will run the rvgrecover scripts and will callback.
.next:  WOCB.  


Act:    Mike's fax machine didn't work, but before resending the
        fax to him, I learned that hdisk5 has completely failed.
        It seems like there may be ODM problems, but an importvg
        with the -f (force) option may work instead.

        We tried to force the import of vg00 with:

                export vg00
                importvg -y vg00 -f hdisk2

        which was partially successfull.  The output listed
        each pv:

                hdisk2  \ active
                hdisk3  \ active
                hdisk4  \ active
                (blank) \  missing

        except hdisk5 only listed the pvid and no other information.

        'lqueryvg -Atp hdisk2' shows 4 disks as part of the volume
        group, but trying to run:

                reducevg -df vg00 hdisk5
                fails stating that hdisk5 is not part of the volume group(?)
        The ODM contains the pvid number for hdisk5 listed as part
        of vg00, but not the disk name anymore.

        We tried to remove the pvid from the VGDA on the vg00 disks

                ldeletepv -g `getlvodm -v vg00` -p xxxxxxxxxx
                                (xxxxx is the 16 digit pvid of hdisk5)

        but this failed also stating that 'the disk cannot be removed
        with allocated partitions- run reducevg with d flag'

        So, we tried to edit the reducevg script as recommended in the
        'replace.disk.krn' fax:

           a.  Run the following command:

                  grep NVGID /usr/sbin/reducevg

               If there is no output, skip to step 6.

        (there was output, so we edited the file....)

           b.  Save the current version of reducevg:

                  cp /usr/sbin/reducevg /usr/sbin/reducevg.keep

           c.  Edit reducevg ("vi /usr/sbin/reducevg", or use your
               favorite editor).

           d.  Search for the phrase "NVGID".  Note the "if" state-
               ment immediately below the "NVGID=" assignment
               statement.  Place a "\#" (comment symbol) in the
               first position of the "NVGID=" line and every line
               of the "if" statement, like this:

  \#NVGID=`lqueryvg -p $PVNAME -v 2>/dev/null`
  \#if [ "$NVGID" != "$VGID" ]
  \#  dspmsg -s 1 886 "`lvmmsg 886`\\n" reducevg $PVNAME $VGNAME >& 2
  \#  EXIT_CODE=2
  \#     continue
              Now run the reducevg command again:

                  reducevg -df VGname PVid

        This time reducevg worked and 'lqueryvg -Atp hdisk2' lists only
        3 pvids in the volume group.

        We imported the volume group again, ran 'syncvg -v vg00' and
        'synclvodm -v vg00' and then mounted the filesystems.  Everything
        looks good now.

Next:   Mike will have hdisk5 replaced.
        Then run 'extendvg vg00 hdisk5' to add the new disk back to     
        the volume group.  Fortunately, the disk which failed was just
        used for scratch space, so no filesystems even need to be

        closing call per customer's request

Support Line: cannot varyon a volume group. ITEM: AI4922L
Dated: November 1995 Category: N/A
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