hd3 renamed to fslv00 after migration to 4.1.x and "synclvodm"

Env:    AIX 4.1.

Desc:   The customer received this error running mkszfile command, prior
        to creating mksysb:
0516-022 lslv: illegal parameter or structure value

        Since this indicates ODM corruption, the customer ran
        "synclvodm -v rootvg", which in the course of running renamed
        logical volume hd3 to fslv00.

        The customer had just completed migrating from version 4.1
        from 3.2.5.

Action: The cause of this is well documented in the document entitled
        "LV Problems After Migration from AIX 3.2 to 4.1.2" (document
        number 3198, available from 800-IBM-4FAX).  Here is one way to
        fix the problem at this point:

odmdelete -q name=hd3 -o CuAt
odmdelete -q name=hd3 -o CuDv
odmdelete -q value3=hd3 -o CuDvDr
odmdelete -q dependency=hd3 -o CuDep
odmdelete -q name=fslv00 -o CuAt
odmdelete -q name=fslv00 -o CuDv
odmdelete -q value3=fslv00 -o CuDvDr
odmdelete -q dependency=fslv00 -o CuDep
rm /dev/*hd3
rm /dev/*fslv00
lqueryvg -Ltp hdisk0 : get minor number and LVid for fslv00
        (the LVid is a number with the format 000011650654a415.4; in
         this case the "4" on the end is the minor number)

mknod /dev/hd3 b 10 MINOR
mknod /dev/rhd3 c 10 MINOR
lchangelv -l LVid -n hd3  (where the LVid is the long number above)
updatelv hd3 rootvg
synclvodm -v rootvg

Next:   Close.

Support Line: hd3 renamed to fslv00 after migration to 4.1.x and "synclvodm" ITEM: AI4674L
Dated: May 1995 Category: N/A
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