PTF U411227 is superceded by different PTF numbers
AIX 3.2.5
Customer can't install software because he is getting a
error message that states the root and user part of superceded
by different ptf numbers.
1. odmget -q ptf=U411227 product > /tmp/root.part
2. ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmget -q ptf=U411227 product > /tmp/usr.part
3. vi the /tmp/root.part and /tmp/usr.part
Check /tmp/root.part and /tmp/usr.part and compare the sceded_by fields
for each file. Determine which is the correct ptf number by what is
installed on your system (which can be determined by running the
following command:
lslpp -h UXXXXXX
Where UXXXXXX is the ptf number listed in the seced_by field.
If the usr part is correct:
edit /tmp/root.part and change the sceded_by field to match the one in
/tmp/usr.part and visa versa.
4. If user part is correct do this:
A. odmdelete -q ptf=U411227 -o product
B. odmadd /tmp/root.part
If the root part is correct do this:
C. ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmdelete -q ptf=U411227 -o product
D. ODMDIR=/usr/lib/objrepos odmadd /tmp/usr.part
Support Line: PTF U411227 is superceded by different PTF numbers ITEM: AH7846L
Dated: April 1995 Category: N/A
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