LED 269 when reconfigure the G30s internal SCSI devices on new adapte

Env:    7012-G30 with 2.2GB SCSI internal disk and internal CD-ROM,
        external tape drive, two SCSI-2 F/W DE adapters, one SCSI-2 F/W
        SE adapter.

Problem description:

        G30 booting up in normal mode to LED 269.
                SE has two OEM RAID devices which require dedicated SCSI-2 
        Fast/Wide DE adapters.  The system did have the internal disk and 
        CD-ROM on the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide DE adapter in slot 6.  Since 
        customer wanted to use this adapter for the RAID device, we 
        moved the internal bus to the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapter in Slot 
        5.  This would more effectively utilize the Fast/Wide adapter 
        because only the tape drive is connected externally to that 

        However, when we move the internal bus to the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide 
        adapter in slot 5, the G30 boots up to LED 269. 


        We could not circumvent this problem by reconfiguring the 
        "System Boot" / "System Boot from SCSI Device" in the 
        Maintenance Menu.  We were able to test the disk using
        the 4.1 diagnostic CD-ROM on the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapter 
        in Slot 5.

        Since the F/W adapters have seperate internal and external
        busses, termination is not a problem when simply moving a
        ribbon cable from one F/W to another F/W.  Both the DE and
        SE F/W adapters have SE busses internally.

                After many hours of testing, we took note of a diagram 
        from the 7012-G30 operator guide on page D-1 entitled
        "Internally Installed SCSI Device Record".  This shows the
        internal devices connected to the SCSI Controller in
        "Slot 6".  It does not explicitly say that we cannot have
        the internal devices connected to SCSI I/O adapters in other
        slots, but does seem to be rather specific about where they
        should be in a standard configuration.

        We moved the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapter from Slot 5 to Slot 6, 
        leaving the internal devices connected.  We powered up the 
        machine in normal mode.  This time it powered up fine - no 
        stalls or 269 LEDs.

        It appears that either there is a low/interrupt level conflict 
        between the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide SE or DE (Corvette) adapters or 
        there is some other hardware requirement which has been left 
        undocumented.  But the bottom line is to remember to chain 
        internal devices off of the SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapter in Slot 6.

        Also, we noted that the SCSI Boot list in maintenance mode has
        a SCSI device at address 00, bus 0, in Slot 7 as the default
        from the factory preload.  This should be changed to Slot 6
        via the Maintenance Menu-->System Boot-->Boot from SCSI Device
        series of menus.

Support Line: LED 269 when reconfigure the G30s internal SCSI devices on new adapte ITEM: AG7705L
Dated: May 1995 Category: N/A
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