6408 printer defined as 4234 printing very slowly


1.) Has 6408 printer defined as 4234. The printer is printing
    very slowly when the job is big, about 1 page a minute.

Can compare the printer to get a test of speed.
lptest 80 600 > /dev/lp13
lptest 80 600 | qprt -Pqueue


Found that at TBC counts above 4 that they got errors printing from
their application at 19.2 KB, but also lptest 50 80 > /dev/lp2 did
speed up things significantly at a tbc of 10.

With tbc=10 get the following error from the application:
Error 0782-054  Error detected during output to printer to printer device lp0
   The error from the right system call is 16

Earlier items suggested:
on the printer: DTR=Ready, buffer not full,RTS=True, RC=false
on AIX:         XON/XOFF=yes and DTR=no

Also my technical reference manual for the 6408 indicates two emulation
modes IBM Proprinter III XL Emulation and Epson FX-1050 Emulation.
Readded printer as a 4202-3.

RC=Reverse Channel was set to DTR=Ready, buffer not full changed to FALSE
RTS= was Ready, buffer not full changed to True, changed to TRUE
DTR was TRUE, changed to Ready, buffer not full.
This printed faster, no errors, but slowed down from time to time.
Upped tbc to 15 - Consistantly better.  
Customer will test with only one hand shake mode at a time.  This
should support DTR=yes and I would recommend that.

Support Line: 6408 printer defined as 4234 printing very slowly ITEM: AF6012L
Dated: February 1995 Category: N/A
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