odm problems


Customer had not registered for the support.  She accepted the
offhours charge.
.ENV:  AIX 3.2.5, model 320H
.DESC:  Jeannie migrated all the data from hdisk0 to hisk1.
If she attempted to run lqueryvg, lsvg commands.  The
system hang.
.ACT:  Had her run lspv and it showed 
hdisk0         none                none         
hdisk1         0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx     rootvg        
.Run lsdev -Cc disk and hdisk0 is available.
.Had her run "chdev -l hdisk0 -a pv=clear" and the following
error message:
0514-516  Device config database lock service timed out" 
.I had her do the putlvodm -K `getlvodm -v rootvg` command.
Then I had her remove the config_lock and lvm_lock in 
.I then had her run lqueryvg -p hdisk0 -At and it hang again.
.Customer did modified the odm.
.I faxed customer the migratepv, dsksync, and rebuild.odm faxes
to 715-223-6383.
.Next:  requeue to info billing and registration. 


ACT: Customer called needing assistance with changes she has made to her
odm and hdisks.  
.lspv shows
hdisk0 through 5 and 0 is rootvg and 1 is dsk2vg
hdisk2 through 5 are datavg
.Jeannie described what she had done and basically she has copied files from
an odm backup directory.  
.lqueryvg commands hang.  We have tried this on several disks.  I asked if
she had a mksysb and she said no.  She does have a bootable 325 install tape
and system backups using cpio.
.Discussed how she had got to this point and tried to determine what scsi id's
were needed for a restore or install.  During the discussion she said she had
made a backup using 'smit startup'.  
Without knowing it she has created a mksysb of the system, so I described what
we needed to do to restore the mksysb.  I had her turn off her external drives
containing the datavg volume group.  
.We proceeded to restore the system using the mksysb made yesterday but the
system cycles between led243 and looking at the tape.  It never boots.
I had her try another mksysb from October 15th.  This fails the same way with
the led243 cycle.  Finally I had Jeannie try the bootable 325 tape and it fails
as well.  
.This is probably a hardware problem so Jeannie is going to call 800-IBM-SERV.
She will call back using this number if she needs additional software support.
.NEXT: Closing call pending call back.


Env:    AIX 3.2.5
        mksysb restored to hdisk1
        hdisk0 empty- can be reformatted
        hdisk4 and 5 in datavg
        hdisk2 and 3 powered off- were mirrorred copy of datavg
.Desc:  Jenine has restored the mksysb- but does not see any of her
        database in datavg because it is not imported.  When the
        mksysb was created, there were 4 disks in datavg- hdisk2-5.
        The volume group was mirrorred- one copy on hdisk2,3 and the other
        on 4and5.
.Act:   'lquervyg -Atp hdisk4' shows 4 disks as part of datavg.
        We ran 'importvg -y datavg -f hdisk4' to force the import.
        NExt 'varyonvg -f datavg' to force the varyon.
        We tried to mount datalv2, but it failed with an error- dirty
        superblock and problems reading the log.  We verified 'lsvg -l datavg'
        shows a log 'loglv01' and /etc/filesystems shows loglv01 as the
        correct jfslog for datavg.
.       We ran 'logform /dev/loglv01' to recreate the log, but it failed
        with an i/o error.  So, we entered 'smit lv' and removed the
        jfslog loglv01 and recreated it.  Also- we removed a copy
        from datalv since it will not be mirroring anymore.
.       We tried to run 'fsck -y /dev/datalv' again and it failed with
        'unable to read log: failure replaying log'
.       We ran logform on loglv01 again and then fsck and it worked, repairing
        the superblock for datalv.
.       We then ran 'syncvg -v datavg' and 'synclvodm -v datavg'  The synclvodm
        reported errors because the VGDA on hdisk4 and 5 refer to 2 other
        disks as well.  We went ahead and mounted datalv and the
        database was there so her people can work.  Then we ficed the VGDA
.       'lqueryvg -Atp' shows 4 pvids.  We used:
        'ldeletepv -g `getlvodm -v datavg` -p \#'  where \# is the 16 digit
        pvid for hdisk2 and then hdisk3 to remove their references in the
        VGDA.  Then 'synclvodm -v datavg' to update the ODM.
.Next:  The database is back in order.  Next Jenine will work on getting the
        other disks- hdisk2 and 3 added into the system.  For some reason,
        she says the machine will not boot with those disks powered on.
.       closing call pending callback



**  forgot to mention- customer agreed to off-hours charges


Support Line: odm problems ITEM: AD2505L
Dated: November 1995 Category: N/A
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