Getting preq errors when install U427864
AIX 3.2.5
8mm 2.3gb
Desc: Customer is installing ptf U427864 and is running into a Preq error
problem. The installp command states that the customer needs to
have perfagent 1.1 on the system before it can install U427864.
The customer has peragent 1.2 on the system.
Action: I have checked the .toc file and found this:
PTF U427864 has a ifreq bos.obj p=U427862 and PTF U427862
has a *ifreq perfagent p=U427863. PTF U427863 has a
*prereq perfagent v=01 r=01 m=0000. This problem is keeping
the customer from installing ptf U427864. I am not sure if
there is a bug in the install process (.toc file) or can a
customer not be able to install this ptf if he has perfagent 1.2
Opened defect 167493 against perfagent to provide
a permanent solution.
DEFECT 167493
abstract perfagent 1.2 needs a golden ptf
state returned priority
severity 3 target
age 0
compName perfagent answer usage
release bos325 symptom claim
envName phaseFound fvt
level phaseInject
addDate 94/11/10 10:52:48 assignDate 94/11/10 16:50:36
lastUpdate 94/11/10 16:50:36 responseDate 94/11/10 16:49:54
ownerLogin srao originLogin srao
ownerArea AUS/c1as originArea AUS/c1as
tracks: none.
verify: none.
This is a result of PMRs 7x003,49r, and 7x033,49r
Problem description:
perfagent 1.2 needs to have a golden, dummy
ptf to supersede all the perfagent 1.1 ptfs.
Atleast those, that are involved in an oldstyle
ifreq following the X11r4/X11r5 example.
We can build this golden ptf, and repackage perfagent
which can refreshed in Jan.
Support Line: Getting preq errors when install U427864 ITEM: AD0809L
Dated: November 1994 Category: N/A
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