Common Problems and Questions About 3151 Terminals

About This Document

This document applies to AIX Versions 3.2.3 through 3.2.5.

Common Problems

Function Keys Not Working

Function keys may not work for the following reasons:

Insert Key Not Working

If the insert key does not work, change the INSERT CHARACTER setup option from MODE to SPACE.

Double Characters Displayed

If double characters are displayed, change the OPERATING MODE from CHAR to ECHO.

Double Prompt When Enter/Return Key is Pressed

The New Line option must be set to CR, not CR/LF. If it is not, it may cause a double prompt when the Return/Enter key is pressed. The New Line option can be changed either from the setup menus or from the host.


Host: Set Control 2 Command: ESC ! 9 ( J

3151 Locks Up

If the display locks up:

3151 Does Not Communicate With Host

If the 3151 does not communicate with the host:

Missing or Lost Characters

Missing or lost characters may be caused by a pacing problem. Reduce line speed to 2400 or 4800 to confirm that the problem is pacing. Activate pacing at the 3151 and the host.

Lost Setup Values

If setup values are lost:

Cannot Get into Setup

If you cannot get into setup:

Cannot Print, Not Printing Correctly

If you cannot print or if printing is incorrect:

3151 Displays Backward Question Marks

Backward question marks are caused by a frame error; the parity, word length, stop bits, and line speed must match the host system.

The (*,/,-,Alt,Ctrl,Page Up,Page Down) Keys Are Not Working

With a model 510/610 in ASCII Mode, the keyboard becomes a 310/410 ASCII layout. This creates the symptom of particular keys not working. Refer to pages 3-1, 3-2 of the 3151 Guide to Operations, Models 510, 610.

Line Drawing Characters Do Not Display

Line drawing characters not displayed is a result of a character mismatch between the host and the 3151. 3151 offers the following character sets: Special Graphics, PC 00437, PC 00850, ISO 8859/1.2. Determine the character set defined in 3151 and determine what the host is expecting.

3151 Has Extra Blank Lines

To get rid of extra blank lines, set "Auto LF = OFF" in the general setup menu, or from the host use "Set Control 3" command: ESC " 9 = b

Application is Not Displaying Correctly

If an application is not displaying correctly, it could be that host commands do not match the 3151 settings. 3151 is set to IBM 3151 and host could be using DEC VT100, WYSE 50/50+. Use 3151 Transparency mode to determine what host is sending.

Cannot Redefine Function Keys

With model 510/610, redefining function keys is not supported.

Constant Beep

A constant beep may occur if you are using a cartridge with model 110. Cartridges are not supported with this model.

Screen is Wavy

If the screen is wavy, change the refresh rate to between 50 and 60 hertz. Press Ctrl-Shift-Hold. 3151 displays keyboard test pattern. Press Ctrl-F10. 3151 displays A or B (refresh rate). Press F1 to toggle between A or B. Power off and on 3151.

3151 Displays "HJ"s in CATIA

CATIA supports VT100 emulation, but the IBM 3151 is set to IBM 3151 mode. The VT100 commands are not compatible with IBM 3151 mode. Therefore, 3151 requires either IBM/DEC or Connectivity cartridge which offers VT52, VT100 or VT200.

3151 Backspace Key is Not Working

If the backspace key does not seem to work:

Setup Values of One 3151 Does Not Match Other 3151

The 3151 offers many models and eight cartridges with over 20 emulations, so the setup value could differ among 3151s. Compare the machine mode of each 3151. Possibilities include:

Review your 3151 documentation.

32 Common Questions
  1. How can I identify the model?
    • Model 110
         Display         Green 
           Part Numbers  81X4500, 09F3483 
         Keyboard        84-key ASCII 
           Part Number   1392980 
         Machine Modes   3151, 10 ASCII Emulations 
    • Model 310
         Display         Green 
           Part Numbers  81X4501 09F3484 
         Keyboard        102-key ASCII 
           Part Number   1392595 
         Machine Modes   3151, 3101, 10 ASCII Emulations 
    • Model 410
         Display         Amber-Gold 
           Part Number   81X4511 09F3485 
         Keyboard        102-key ASCII 
           Part Number   1392595 
         Machine Modes   3151, 3101, 10 ASCII Emulations 
    • Model 510
         Display         Green 
           Part Number   38F5101 
         Keyboard        101-key PS/2 
           Part Number   1395162 
         Machine Modes   3151 PC, 3151 PC II and 925 PC 
    • Model 610
         Display         Amber-Gold 
           Part Number   38F5104 
         Keyboard        101-key PS/2 
           Part Number   1395162 
         Machine Modes   3151 PC, 3151 PC II and 925 PC 
  2. How can I change the cursor style (block, underscore, blink, none)?
    • Model 110: Press Ctrl-F9.
    • Model 310, 410: No cartridge, press Ctrl-8 (numeric keypad).
    • Model 310, 410: Connectivity Cartridge, user setup menus.
    • Model 310, 410: Expansion Cartridge, user setup menus.
    • Model 310, 410: IBM/DEC cartridge, press Ctrl-8 (numeric keypad).
    • Model 310, 410: WYSE cartridge, press Ctrl-8 (numeric keypad).
    • Model 510, 610: User setup menus or the "Set Cursor Type" command (ESC F pa).
  3. How can I change the status line (none, machine status, host message)?

    From the host, change it from Write Host Message, Display Host Message, and Display Machine Status. From the user, change it by keyboard or user setup.

    • Model 110: Press Ctrl-F10.
    • Model 310, 410: No cartridge, press Ctrl-9 (numeric keypad).
    • Model 310, 410: Connectivity Cartridge, user setup menus.
    • Model 310, 410: Expansion Cartridge, user setup menus.
    • Model 310, 410: IBM/DEC cartridge, press Ctrl-8 (numeric keypad).
    • Model 310, 410: WYSE cartridge, press Ctrl-8 (numeric keypad).
    • Model 510, 610: User setup menus.
  4. How can I get a RS422 interface on the Main Communications Port?
    • Model 110: Not available.
    • Model 310, 410: Requires IBM/DEC, Connectivity, Expansion Cartridge.
    • Model 510, 610: RS422 is included.
  5. Does the auxiliary port support RS422 interface?

    No, it only supports RS232.

  6. What is the difference between RS232 and RS422?
    • RS232 defines nine pins. Two pins are used for Transmit and Receive Data (TD, RD). RS422 defines five pins. Four pins are used for Transmit and Receive date (TD+, TD-, RD+, RD-).
    • RS232C can attach 50-75 feet; RS232D can attach 200 feet; RS422 can attach 4000 feet.
  7. How can I change the function keys?
    • Models 110, 310, 410: From the host or by user setup (DEF F).
    • Models 510, 610: Not available.
  8. How many function keys are available on the 3151?
    • Model 110
      • 12 physical, 12 total (unshifted only)
      • Redefinable from host or user setup (DEF F).
    • Model 310/410
      • 12 physical, shiftable to 36 (unshifted, shift, ctrl-shift)
      • Redefinable from host or user setup (DEF F).
    • Model 510/610
      • 12 physical, shiftable to 36 (unshifted, shift, ctrl-shift)
      • Not redefinable
  9. How can I reset/clear a function key to the default value?
    • From User setup - Press Ctrl-Clear key.
    • From Host - (ESC SP t) "Reset All Default Default Function Keys"
  10. Can an input device be attached to the auxiliary port?
    • Model 110: No, auxiliary port is unidirectional.
    • Model 310, 410, 510, 610: Yes, auxiliary port is bidirectional.
  11. Can a key (setup, break, ctrl, etc.) be disabled?

    No, except with a keystopper under the keycap.

  12. Can a key swap locations with another key?


  13. Can I add a model 310, 410, 510, or 610 keyboard to a model 110 display?

    Cannot mix any combination of 84-, 101-, and 102-key keyboards. Keyboard must match video display.

  14. How can I automatically dial a modem?

    With a connectivity cartridge or by assigning an unused function key. The cartridge requires six keystrokes; the unused function key requires two to three.

  15. How can I activate or deactivate a printer from the keyboard?

    Press Ctrl-Trace key.

  16. How can I display CAPS information?

    Turn on the status line.

  17. How can I get 132 columns?
    • Model 110 supports 24X80 or 25X80.
    • Model 310, 410 supports 24X80, 25X80, 24X132, or 25X132.
    • Model 310, 410 Expansion Cartridge supports models 310, 410 base screen sizes, plus 28X80 or 28X132.
    • Model 510, 610 supports 24X80, 25X80, 24X132, or 25X132.
  18. How can I change the screen size?

    From setup, or from the host using the "Create Viewport Command".

       24 X 80        ESC SP r ! ! SP 8 " P 
       25 X 80        ESC SP r ! ! SP 9 " P 
       28 X 80        ESC SP r ! ! SP < " P (Expansion Cartridge) 
       24 X 132       ESC SP r ! ! SP 8 $ D 
       25 X 132       ESC SP r ! ! SP 9 $ D 
       28 X 132       ESC SP r ! ! SP < $ D (Expansion Cartridge) 
  19. Are communication cables included?


  20. What is the command to turn printer on/off from the host?

    Begin/End Pass-Through Mode (DLE DC2 and DLE DC4).

  21. Can 3151 be switched between 110 and 220 volts?

    No, each country has appropriate video display with proper power supply.

  22. How can the 3151 display line drawing characters?

    Step A: Assign G0/G1 using "Select Character Set" command.

    Step B: Select either G0 or G1 by:

    • 8 bit mode: Turn on most significant bit.
    • 7 bit mode: Use SO/SI ASCII control characters.
  23. What character sets are available?
    • Model 110/310/410 - US ASCII and IBM Special Graphics
    • Model 510/610 - US ASCII, IBM Special Graphics, PC Code Page 00437, PC Code Page 00850.
  24. What is the sex of the main and auxiliary ports?

    Both are 25-pin D-Shell female.

  25. Which port is the main communication port?

    If you look at the back of the 3151, the main port is on the right-hand side, closest to the edge. The auxiliary port is closest to the power cord.

  26. How can I get dual session?

    With a Cartridge for Connectivity, by selecting "Dual Session by Dual Port" in "SESSION ASSIGNMENT" setup menu.

  27. Are there any keyboard extension cables available?

    IBM does not offer or support any changes between the keyboard and display elements.

  28. Is there any support of the 7695 Bar Code Reader that is placed between keyboard and display elements?

    Only the model 510/610 supports the 7696 Bar Code Reader. OEM products are available that can be placed between the keyboard and display element; however, IBM does not support these OEM devices.

  29. Does the 3151 offer a CRT Saver/Screen Saver?

    Yes, CRT is selectable between "No Save" or 15 minutes. The CRT is selectable by the user in the General Setup menu, or by the host with the "Set Control 2" command.

  30. What is the difference between 8J0140 (3151-805) and 8J0141 (AS/400 Cartridge)?

    When 8J0141 (Cartridge/Keycap Kit) is installed on a 3151 Model 310, the 3151 is the same a 3151-805. The 3151-805 is available only in green. 8J0141 can be also installed on 3151 Model 410 (amber-gold). 8J0140 is for new installations, and 8J0141 is for existing 3151-31/41 installed.

  31. Is a tilt/swivel stand included?

    Yes, effective 05/89.

  32. Does 3151 have a data entry keyboard?


Sample Settings for 3151


Machine Mode IBM 3151 Forcing Insert Both
Screen Normal Tab Field
Row and Column 24 X 80
Scroll Jump
Auto LF Off
CRT Saver Off Term. ID ____________
Line Wrap On
Message Type STATUS LINE


Operating Mode Echo
Line Speed (bps) 9600 Line Control IPRTS
Word Length (bits) 8 Break Signal (ms) 500
Parity No Send Null Suppress On
Stop Bit 1
Turnaround Character CR


Enter Send
Return New Line
New Line CR
Send Line
Insert Character Space

Common Problems and Questions About 3151 Terminals : 3151.32.zap ITEM: FAX
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