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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide


The StringTransfer widget class


#include <Exm/StringTrans.h>


ExmStringTransfer is a demonstration widget. OSF provides this widget solely to teach programmers how to write their own Motif widgets. OSF does not support this widget in any way.

ExmStringTransfer is a subclass of ExmString. ExmStringTransfer inherits all the visuals of ExmString; therefore, ExmStringTransfer displays one compound string. Unlike ExmString, ExmStringTransfer supports data transfer. That is, a user can transfer data into or out of an ExmStringTransfer widget. In fact, the purpose of this widget is to demonstrate how to implement UTM data transfer in a widget.

ExmStringTransfer is an instantiable widget and can also used as a superclass for other widgets.

The ExmStringTransfer class installs the XmQTtransfer trait and implements this trait's convertProc and destinationProc trait methods.

ExmStringTransfer supports two callbacks:

  1. XmNdestinationCallback, which allows applications to intercede a data transfer on behalf of the destination widget.

  2. XmNconvertCallback, which allows applications to intercede a data transfer on behalf of the source widget. This resource is inherited from XmPrimitive.

  3. Data Transfer Behavior

    ExmStringTransfer can be the source or destination of a primary, clipboard, or drag and drop transfer. ExmStringTransfer does not support secondary transfers.

    Unlike more sophisticated widgets such as XmText, a user cannot copy selected portions of an ExmStringTransfer. Instead, a user can only copy the entire compound string held by ExmNcompoundString, not a subset of it. Similarly, when an ExmStringTransfer is the destination, any text copied into it will overwrite all of the previous contents.

    As a source of data, ExmStringTransfer supports the following targets and associated conversions of data to these targets:

    If the locale target matches the widget's locale, the widget transfers ExmNcompoundString in the encoding of the locale.

    The widget transfers ExmNcompoundString as type COMPOUND_TEXT.

    The widget transfers ExmNcompoundString as type STRING.

    If ExmNcompoundString is fully convertible to the encoding of the locale, the widget transfers the value as text in the encoding of the locale. Otherwise, the widget transfers the value as type COMPOUND_TEXT.

    The widget transfers, as type ATOM, a list of the targets it supports for immediate transfer for the CLIPBOARD selection. These include _MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING. If ExmNcompoundString is fully convertible to STRING, these also include STRING; otherwise, they also include COMPOUND_TEXT.

    The widget transfers ExmNcompoundString as a compound string in byte stream format.

    The widget transfers, as type ATOM, a list of the targets to be used as the value of the DragContext's XmNexportTargets in a drag-and-drop transfer. These include _MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING, COMPOUND_TEXT, the encoding of the locale, STRING, TEXT, BACKGROUND, and FOREGROUND.

    As a source of data, ExmStringTransfer also supports the following standard Motif targets:

    The widget transfers XmNbackground as type PIXEL.

    The widget finds the first shell in the widget hierarchy that has a WM_CLASS property and transfers the contents as text in the current locale.

    The widget finds the first shell in the widget hierarchy and transfers its window as type WINDOW.

    The widget transfers XmNcolormap as type COLORMAP.

    The widget transfers XmNforeground as type PIXEL.

    The widget finds the first shell in the widget hierarchy that has a WM_NAME property and transfers the contents as text in the current locale.

    The widget transfers, as type ATOM, a list of the targets it supports. These include the standard targets in this list. These also include _MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING, COMPOUND_TEXT, the encoding of the locale, STRING, and TEXT.

    The widget transfers the timestamp used to acquire the selection as type INTEGER.

    The widget transfers XmNrenderTable if it exists, or else the default text render table, as type STRING.

    As a destination for data, when ExmStringTransfer receives data that can be converted to a compound string, it sets ExmNcompoundString to the transferred compound string.

    As a destination, ExmStringTransfer chooses a target and requests conversion of the selection to that target. If the encoding of the locale is present in the list of available targets, ExmStringTransfer chooses a requested target from the available targets in the following order of preference:


    2. TEXT


    4. The encoding of the locale

    5. STRING

      If the encoding of the locale is not present in the list of available targets, ExmStringTransfer chooses a requested target from the available targets in the following order of preference:



      3. STRING

      4. Classes

        ExmStringTransfer inherits behavior and resources from Core, XmPrimitive, ExmSimple, and ExmString.

        The class pointer is exmStringTransferWidgetClass.

        The class name is ExmStringTransfer.

        New Resources

        The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the XmN, ExmN, XmC or ExmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm or Exm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words). The codes in the "Access" column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).

        ExmStringTransfer Resource Set
        Name Class Type Default Access
        XmNdestinationCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C

        Specifies a list of callbacks called when the widget is the destination of a transfer operation. The type of the structure whose address is passed to these callbacks is XmDestinationCallbackStruct. The reason is XmCR_OK.

        Inherited Resources

        ExmStringTransfer inherits behavior and resources from the following superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the reference page for that superclass.

        ExmString Resource Set
        Name Class Type Default Access
        ExmNcompoundString ExmCCompoundString XmString NULL CSG
        XmNalignment XmCAlignment unsigned char XmALIGNMENT_CENTER CSG
        XmNrecomputeSize XmCRecomputeSize Boolean True CSG
        XmNrenderTable XmCRenderTable XmRenderTable dynamic CSG

        ExmSimple Resource Set
        Name Class Type Default Access
        ExmNsimpleShape ExmCSimpleShape unsigned char ExmSHAPE_OVAL CSG
        XmNmarginHeight XmCMarginHeight Dimension 4 CSG
        XmNmarginWidth XmCMarginWidth Dimension 4 CSG

        XmPrimitive Resource Set
        Name Class Type Default Access
        XmNbottomShadowColor XmCBottomShadowColor Pixel dynamic CSG
        XmNbottomShadowPixmap XmCBottomShadowPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
        XmNconvertCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
        XmNforeground XmCForeground Pixel dynamic CSG
        XmNhelpCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
        XmNhighlightColor XmCHighlightColor Pixel dynamic CSG
        XmNhighlightOnEnter XmCHighlightOnEnter Boolean False CSG
        XmNhighlightPixmap XmCHighlightPixmap Pixmap dynamic CSG
        XmNhighlightThickness XmCHighlightThickness Dimension 2 CSG
        XmNlayoutDirection XmCLayoutDirection XmDirection dynamic CG
        XmNnavigationType XmCNavigationType XmNavigationType XmNONE CSG
        XmNpopupHandlerCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
        XmNshadowThickness XmCShadowThickness Dimension 2 CSG
        XmNtopShadowColor XmCTopShadowColor Pixel dynamic CSG
        XmNtopShadowPixmap XmCTopShadowPixmap Pixmap dynamic CSG
        XmNtraversalOn XmCTraversalOn Boolean True CSG
        XmNunitType XmCUnitType unsigned char dynamic CSG
        XmNuserData XmCUserData XtPointer NULL CSG

        Core Resource Set
        Name Class Type Default Access
        XmNaccelerators XmCAccelerators XtAccelerators dynamic CSG
        XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive Boolean dynamic G
        XmNbackground XmCBackground Pixel dynamic CSG
        XmNbackgroundPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
        XmNborderColor XmCBorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground CSG
        XmNborderPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
        XmNborderWidth XmCBorderWidth Dimension 0 CSG
        XmNcolormap XmCColormap Colormap dynamic CG
        XmNdepth XmCDepth int dynamic CG
        XmNdestroyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
        XmNheight XmCHeight Dimension dynamic CSG
        XmNinitialResourcesPersistent XmCInitialResourcesPersistent Boolean True C
        XmNmappedWhenManaged XmCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True CSG
        XmNscreen XmCScreen Screen * dynamic CG
        XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG
        XmNtranslations XmCTranslations XtTranslations dynamic CSG
        XmNwidth XmCWidth Dimension dynamic CSG
        XmNx XmCPosition Position 0 CSG
        XmNy XmCPosition Position 0 CSG

        Callback Information

        A pointer to the following callback structure is passed to the XmNdestinationCallback procedures:

        typedef struct
                XEvent                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
        } XmDestinationCallbackStruct;

        Indicates why the callback was invoked.

        Points to the XEvent that triggered the callback. It can be NULL.

        Indicates the selection for which data transfer is being requested. Possible values are CLIPBOARD, PRIMARY, and _MOTIF_DROP.

        Indicates the type of transfer operation requested.

        1. When the selection is PRIMARY, possible values are XmMOVE, XmCOPY, and XmLINK.

        2. When the selection is CLIPBOARD, possible values are XmCOPY and XmLINK.

        3. When the selection is _MOTIF_DROP, possible values are XmMOVE, XmCOPY, XmLINK, and XmOTHER. A value of XmOTHER means that the callback procedure must get further information from the XmDropProcCallbackStruct in the destination_data member.

        4. flags
          Indicates whether or not the destination widget is also the source of the data to be transferred. Following are the possible values:

          The destination widget is not the source of the data to be transferred.

          The destination widget is the source of the data to be transferred.

          Serves as a unique ID to identify the transfer transaction.

          Contains information about the destination. When the selection is _MOTIF_DROP, the callback procedures are called by the drop site's XmNdropProc, and destination_data is a pointer to the XmDropProcCallbackStruct passed to the XmNdropProc procedure. Otherwise, destination_data is NULL.

          Contains information about the location where data is to be transferred. The value is always NULL when the selection is SECONDARY or CLIPBOARD. If the value is NULL, the data is to be inserted at the widget's cursor position. The value of location_data is only valid for the duration of a transfer. Once transfer done procedures start to be called, location_data will no longer be stable.

          Indicates the time when the transfer operation began.


          ExmStringTransfer provides the following translations:



          c <Btn1Down>:

          ExmStringTransferMoveFocus() ExmStringTransferCopyPrimary()




          :s <Key>osfInsert:

          :s <Key>osfDelete:




          ~s ~m ~a <Key>Return:XS

          Action Routines

          All the actions that begin with the Primitive prefix are defined by the XmPrimitive widget. (See the XmPrimitive(3) reference page of the Motif Programmer's Reference for details.) The actions defined by ExmStringTransfer are as follows:

          ExmStringTransferCopyClipboard() :
          If this widget owns the primary selection, this action copies the contents of ExmNcompoundString to the clipboard. This action calls the XmNconvertCallback procedures, possibly multiple times, for the CLIPBOARD selection.

          ExmStringTransferCopyPrimary() :
          Calls the XmNdestinationCallback procedures for the PRIMARY selection and the XmCOPY operation. It calls the selection owner's XmNconvertCallback procedures, possibly multiple times, for the PRIMARY selection.

          ExmStringTransferMoveFocus() :
          Causes the widget to take keyboard focus, without activating the widget. This action does not change the selection; it merely changes the keyboard focus.

          ExmStringTransferPasteClipboard() :
          Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the widget, overwriting any text that was previously displayed. This action calls any XmNdestinationCallback procedures registered, passing CLIPBOARD in the selection member of the XmDestinationCallbackStruct. The pasted text becomes the new value of the ExmNcompoundString resource.

          ExmStringTransferPastePrimary() :
          Pastes the primary selection into the specified widget. This action overwrites any text that was previously displayed. The pasted text becomes the new value of the ExmNcompoundString resource.

          ExmStringTransferProcessDrag() :
          Drags the contents of the ExmNcompoundString resource. This action sets the XmNconvertProc of the DragContext to a function that calls the XmNconvertCallback procedures, possibly multiple times, for the _MOTIF_DROP selection.

          Virtual Bindings

          The bindings for virtual keys are vendor specific. For information about bindings for virtual buttons and keys, see VirtualBindings(3).


          Core(3), ExmSimple(3), ExmString(3), XmPrimitive(3), and XmQTtransfer(3).

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