Motif provides widget writers with several Xme functions for implementing the Uniform Transfer Model (UTM). UTM is a mechanism for transferring data between and within widgets. UTM was introduced in Motif Release 2.0. (See Chapter 10 for details.)
Table 8-5 summarizes the Xme functions useful for transferring data between
and within widgets.
Table 15. Xme Data Transfer Functions
Xme Function | What It Does: |
XmeClipboardSink | Transfers data from the clipboard to a widget |
XmeClipboardSource | Places data on the clipboard |
XmeConvertMerge | Merges data converted during a transfer operation |
XmeDragSource | Starts a drag and drop operation |
XmeDropSink | Establishes a widget as a drop site |
XmeGetLocaleAtom | Returns the encoding of the locale |
XmeGetTextualDragIcon | Returns an icon widget symbolizing a textual drag operation in progress |
XmeNamedSink | Transfers data from the named selection to a widget |
XmeNamedSource | Takes ownership of a named selection |
XmePrimarySink | Transfers data from the primary selection to a widget |
XmePrimarySource | Takes ownership of the primary selection |
XmeSecondarySink | Establishes a widget as the destination for secondary transfer |
XmeSecondarySource | Takes ownership of the secondary selection |
XmeSecondaryTransfer | Transfers data from the secondary selection to the destination widget |
XmeStandardConvert | Converts selections to standard targets |
XmeStandardTargets | Returns a list of standard Motif targets |
XmeTransferAddDoneProc | Establishes a procedure to be called when data transfer is complete |
In addition to the list of Xme routines shown in the previous table, Motif provides many Xm data transfer routines. The Xm routines are detailed in the Motif Programmer's Reference.