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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide

Implementing Data Transfer

Motif provides widget writers with several Xme functions for implementing the Uniform Transfer Model (UTM). UTM is a mechanism for transferring data between and within widgets. UTM was introduced in Motif Release 2.0. (See Chapter 10 for details.)

Table 8-5 summarizes the Xme functions useful for transferring data between and within widgets.

Table 15. Xme Data Transfer Functions

Xme Function What It Does:
XmeClipboardSink Transfers data from the clipboard to a widget
XmeClipboardSource Places data on the clipboard
XmeConvertMerge Merges data converted during a transfer operation
XmeDragSource Starts a drag and drop operation
XmeDropSink Establishes a widget as a drop site
XmeGetLocaleAtom Returns the encoding of the locale
XmeGetTextualDragIcon Returns an icon widget symbolizing a textual drag operation in progress
XmeNamedSink Transfers data from the named selection to a widget
XmeNamedSource Takes ownership of a named selection
XmePrimarySink Transfers data from the primary selection to a widget
XmePrimarySource Takes ownership of the primary selection
XmeSecondarySink Establishes a widget as the destination for secondary transfer
XmeSecondarySource Takes ownership of the secondary selection
XmeSecondaryTransfer Transfers data from the secondary selection to the destination widget
XmeStandardConvert Converts selections to standard targets
XmeStandardTargets Returns a list of standard Motif targets
XmeTransferAddDoneProc Establishes a procedure to be called when data transfer is complete

In addition to the list of Xme routines shown in the previous table, Motif provides many Xm data transfer routines. The Xm routines are detailed in the Motif Programmer's Reference.

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