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Motif 2.1 Widget Writer's Guide

The CompositeClassPart Structure

The second part of the class record is the CompositeClassPart structure. For example, following is the CompositeClassPart structure of the ExmGrid widget:

{                   /* composite_class */
  /* geometry_manager */           GeometryManager,
  /* change_managed */             ChangeManaged,
  /* insert_child */               XtInheritInsertChild,
  /* delete_child */               XtInheritDeleteChild,
  /* extension */                  NULL,

The following subsections detail each field from a Motif widget writer's perspective.

The geometry_manager Field

The geometry_manager method handles geometry requests from children of your manager widget. Your widget must specify one of the following for the geometry_manager field:

  1. The name of your widget's geometry_manager method.

  2. XtInheritGeometryManager to inherit the geometry_manager method of your widget's immediate superclass. The XmManager widget does not provide a geometry_manager method, so your widget cannot inherit this method from XmManager.

  3. NULL, to indicate the absence of a geometry_manager method. Motif does not recommend this.

    Most standard Motif manager widgets provide their own geometry_manager method. Motif makes no requirements of the geometry_manager method beyond those required by the Intrinsics.

    The ExmGrid demonstration widget illustrates how to write one kind of geometry_manager method. You can find the source code for ExmGrid in demos/widgets/Exm/lib/Grid.c. (See Chapter 12 for an overview of geometry management in Motif.)

  4. The change_managed Field

    The Intrinsics call the change_managed method whenever:

    1. A managed child becomes unmanaged.

    2. An unmanaged child becomes managed.

      Your widget must specify one of the following for the change_managed field:

      1. The name of your widget's change_managed method.

      2. XtInheritChangeManaged, to inherit the change_managed method of your widget's immediate superclass. The XmManager widget does not provide a change_managed method, so your widget cannot inherit this method from XmManager.

      3. NULL, to indicate the absence of a change_managed method. Motif does not recommend this.

        Motif requires that your change_managed method call the XmeNavigChangeManaged function. If your change_managed method does not, Motif's keyboard traversal will not work correctly.

        The ExmGrid demonstration widget illustrates how to write one kind of change_managed method. You can find the source code for ExmGrid in demos/widgets/Exm/lib/Grid.c. (See Chapter 12 for an overview of geometry management in Motif.)

      4. The insert_child Method

        The Intrinsics call the insert_child method to report the creation of a new child under control of the manager widget.

        You must set the insert_child method to one of the following:

        1. XtInheritInsertChild, to inherit the insert_child method of your superclass. XmManager provides an insert_child method that your widget can inherit.

        2. The name of your widget's insert_child method.

          The insert_child method of XmManager simply calls the insert_child method of Composite. (See documentation on the Intrinsics for more information on Composite.)

          If you do write your own insert_child method, Motif recommends that it call the insert_child method of XmManager. For example, suppose you are writing a manager widget that can only support one child. The following insert_child method rejects any attempt to add a second child. If the added child is the first child, then MyManagerInsertChild calls the insert_child method of XmManager.

          MyManagerInsertChild(Widget child)
            ExmMyManagerWidget cb = (ExmMyManagerWidget) XtParent(child);
            if (cb->composite.num_children > 1)
              XmeWarning((Widget)cb, "MyManager cannot manage more than one
          /* Call the insert_child method of XmManager to update child info. */
              (*((XmManagerWidgetClass) xmManagerWidgetClass)
               ->composite_class.insert_child) (child);

        3. The delete_child Method

          The Intrinsics call the delete_child method to report the destruction of a child under control of the manager widget. The widget ID of the deleted child is the sole argument passed to the delete_child method.

          You must set the delete_child method to one of the following:

          1. XtInheritDeleteChild, to inherit the delete_child method of your superclass. XmManager provides a delete_child method that your widget can inherit.

          2. The name of your widget's delete_child method.

            The delete_child method of XmManager does the following:

            1. Determines if the deleted child is the one stored in the manager.selected_gadget field. If it is, delete_child sets manager.selected_gadget to NULL. (See later in this chapter for more information on manager.selected_gadget.)

            2. Determines if the deleted child is the one indicated by the XmNinitialFocus resource. If it is, delete_child sets XmNinitialFocus to NULL.

            3. Determines if the deleted child is the one stored in the manager.active_child field. If it is, delete_child sets manager.active_child to NULL. (See later in this chapter for more information on manager.active_child.)

            4. Finds the widget that is the tab group manager for the deleted child. If the tab group manager is not your manager widget, delete_child examines the tab group manager's manager.active_child field. If this field holds the widget ID of the deleted child, delete_child sets the tab group manager's manager.active_child field to NULL.

            5. Calls the delete_child method of Composite.

            6. The extension Field

              The Composite class supports an extension record. The only nontrivial field in this extension record is called accepts_objects. If you specify the extension field as NULL, an extension record is automatically installed and accepts_objects is set to True. All but one of the standard Motif manager widgets (XmRowColumn) set the extension field to NULL.

              If your manager widget requires that accepts_objects be False, then you must create an extension record with the accepts_objects field set to False. Furthermore, you must set the extension field to the name of your own composite class extension record.

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